We wish to notify you again that you were listed as a
Beneficiary to the total sum of
$12,500,000.00(Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars) in LONDON [UK] to the intent of
the Deceased (Name Now Withheld Since This Is Our
Second Letter To You). We contacted you because you bear
the surname identity and therefore can present you as
The Beneficiary to the inheritance since there is no
written will.
We therefore reckoned that you can receive these funds
as you are qualified by your Name Identity. All the legal
papers will be processed in your Acceptance.
In your Acceptance of this Deal, we request that you
kindly forward to us your Letter of Acceptance; your
current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address
to enable us file necessary Documents at our High Court
Probate Division for the Release of this sum of Money.
DR Johnson Micheal
Assistant Manager
Putney High Branch