
Does anyone recognize any of these names? James Moberg,Barrister Owen Mason, Chris Hung, Rechelle Palmer?

by  |  earlier

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I won $428,000.00CAD text message on my cell phone Sept 29 2007 from Stanford Marketing UK promoted by Orange Mobile.





  1. Yes... i recieved the same thing saying I was the second draw in the first pic making me a grand prize winner.  They have not asked me for any personal information yet.. they have just stated that they will be sending me a check..  What about you?

  2. yeah, i got this one too.  i just sent an email that says 'how are you sending me my money' and they want my name/phone number and all that.  let us know what happens after the next step if anyone tries it, cause im a little leary to.  this is the only site that i could find that mentions this whole fiasco

  3. do you really think you won money???

    this is a scam, a very old scam, just delete it and move on.

  4. i got the exact email yesterday oct 1st and my GF got one today....

    the only thing that put me off is that there is no disclosure link, with contest guide lines/ rules/regulations.

    i think your right to try and contact orange mobile.

  5. Hey I live in Winnipeg, and if this is an old scam, we all got it at the same time, if theres more then 32 of us its obvious, but i mean, I got the same text message, i got the same e-mail replys, i have not sent my ID and Phone Bill yet, but this morning I actually got a call from Mr. Owen Mason himself saying he replied to my message and for me to send my information a.s.a.p. Hes got a strong accent, think we actually won some bucks?

  6. Alrighty, I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and I too received this text message. I am leary of even responding to the first email (asking for name, tel #, address, etc.)

    You would think that if this were legit they would offer us some evidence that they are truly who they claim to be - I mean, they must be aware that our first reaction is that this is a scam. I don't know, company letterhead or something.

    I just got off the phone with my cell carrier and they said that they are not a part of any promotion, and that it sounded like a scam to them. Once I mentioned that copies of bills were being asked for, the lady on the phone from my cell company exclaimed, 'Oh, don't give them that information!'

    I'll check back later

  7. I went through the process of sending them the email, got one back stating that they require my name, phone #, address, age, email and occupation.  I figured since they weren't asking for too much, I replied.  I then got an email back a few days later asking me to scan and email ID and my most recent billing papers.  As well as to go to Northumberland between Oct 1st and 19th to collect my funds and sign the registry and that if I  was not able to get there to contact a barrister there by the name of Owen Mason.  I sent them an email back wanting to know why they needed this.  So when I hear something back, I'll let you all know.

  8. hi may my name is Dang N ,i have receive the same text message saying that i won 428000$cad on my cell ,whit all those name for contact ,me to i tried to get in contact whit orange mobile but no success , i went in the internet and have made contact the stanford marketing and they do have a consultant by the name of James Moberg ,i was ask to send 726$cad to a Harry cox in ontario to pay for duty fees please tell  me more about your situation ,

    .   ps, i think is a scam. let's find a way o track these guys down !!!!!

  9. This is obviously a scam. They either want some money or they want enough information about you so they can steal you identity. With the information you supply they could do any number of things.

  10. im from winnipeg and i got the same thing sayng that iwon 428000cad. through a text message . i told them that i hired a lawyer to deal  with this matter for me, and they said that it cant be done. that  there the ones that can only provide a lawyer acting on my behalf.

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