
Does anyone recognize whats going on with my guinea pig?

by  |  earlier

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we got him at a pet store and he had a discharge from his right eye along with a cut on the lower lid. they were planning on putting him down cuz they didn't know what was wrong with him and nobody would buy him, so i did. i have been treating the cut with some antibiotics the vet get me for another sick guinea i took in 5 months ago ( hes fine now). the cut and the eye are doing much better now, but my concern is with scabbing and sores he has all over his body. we set the appt with the vet for next week (the earliest we could get) but does anyone know what could have caused the sores? it seems like a lot more is wrong with him than i thought and i just want to know if it might be too late for him even with my care, or can he be saved. we have only had him for 3 days and hes eating and drinking and using the bathroom regularly (which i know are great signs) but im still worried. any help would be appreciated, thanks.




  1. he might of got picked on by the other pigs at the store my pig had a prob like yours but it was on his ears they are nibbled on but he is fine so i would just wait till you get to the vet

  2. The fact that he's eating, drinking, and eliminating well is a very good sign. Be sure to give him a healthy diet with Vitamin C rich veggies.

    Its good you're already treating the eye wound, but watch it carefully to make sure it doesn't abscess. Wounds on guinea pigs have a tendency to do that.

    The sores could be bite wounds from another pig or it could indicate the presence of mites. Mites are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They cause intense itching and irritation of the skin and after the pig bites or scratches the site(s) of mite infestation a few dozen times, they begin to ooze or bleed. As with any wound on a pig, again, watch for signs of abscess. If you see a cottage-cheese like pus exuding from the sores, they will need to be cleaned & the pig will need to be put on a round of antibiotics, in addition to Ivermectin treatment for mites.

    Because the pig is obviously immunocompromised and his former living conditions were probably horrific, I would employ strict quarantine measures with regard to the other piggies in your home. Keep him in a separate room with the door shut, as far away from your other pigs as possible. After handling him, wash your hands and change your clothes before handling the other piggies.

    Chances are good, with a cavy savvy vet, that the little guy will be just fine! I'm glad he has you to take care of him!

  3. Your super nice.  Getting a guinea pig and saving his life!  

  4. sounds like mite to me

  5. Your guinea pig could have mites, or he might have got beaten up by other guineas at the store. He could be biting himself because he itches. I'm pretty sure your guinea'll live.

    You might be able to find another reason why your guinea could be ill if you go to

    Scroll dowin until (off to the left) You see Awesome Info. Click on the GL: Medical & Care, And go on from there.

  6. he could have mites! and you are a great mommy!

  7. Pet store pigs are often sold with URI and mites.

    You can read more at  

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