
Does anyone regret anything they didn't do when they were young?

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Did you pursue the family life but wished you had waited till you had a career?

Did you have a career and didn't have a family?

Did you regret not going to uni?

Did you regret going to uni?

Did you regret breaking up with the love of your life for that stupid reason?

Have you got any regrets of what you did or didn't do that you could share with people so they don't make the same mistakes?




  1. i regret not joining my school's street dance club.

    and the philharmonic orchestra.

    or enroll at the college of fine arts.

    or music, major in piano...

    i had too little confidence in what i can do.

  2. I think it is very normal to have regrets but it is how you deal with those regrets that make you are break you. Mine is I wish I would of started nurses training right out of high school but I didn't .So at 32 I did and I worked many years in that field.

  3. I didn't stick with my Gymnastics. Now i think 15 is a little old to carry on.

  4. far too many regrets, and im only 18, but on the other hand i havent regretted nething 4 2 years so im on the up.

  5. I maybe should have walked away from a controlling and possessive relationship earlier ... I think I'd learnt the lessons I needed to but remained with him much too long. I gave up athletic pursuits that I would have liked to have continued (watch "A League of Their Own" ... makes ya think).

    I also had poor timing when I met an intimate soul mate. I was so very independent,. I needed to be more patient.

    All in all, things happen for a reason though ... and I don't 'regret' in the sense that I'd change them and risk altering what I have now.

  6. I regret underestimating myself.

    Interpret that in any way you want, but it's one of the worst things you can do.

  7. Good question!

    Of course! It is human nature to wish for the things we don't have...or almost had. One would wonder: if I tried this differently, how would that affect the person I am today? Would I be better off?

    Myself, I wonder what my life would be like if I had had the confidence to join the school play in seventh grade...And again, if I had sung in my school talent show, even though I can't sing that well.

    Because I was always the shy nerd at school, people never thought I had much outside the classroom, and for the most part, they were right. So who knows? Is there any way that one school play would have shown me I CAN act, and would increase my self-confidence? And that one talent show...could I maybe have had a hidden talent for singing? Do I know I can't sing? Would it even have mattered back then? Probably not. But would it have been worth a try? Yes! Because it would have been fun trying!

    So any advice I have to anyone is, take a risk. Give something a try. For the most part, it is human to resent anything...but we tend to regret the things we haven't done, more than we have done. And if something goes wrong, you'll forget it eventually.

  8. I have one biggest regret.

    i had a crush on my bestfriend but also had a bf at the time...

    who i didnt care for nearly as much.

    now i just recently found out my friend had liked me alotttttt

    but he knew i had a bf and didnt wanna ruin that for me....

    i wish i wouldve not stayed with someone  i didnt love for so long

    we still talk, but he has a gf he says he loves



  10. I regret not being more involved in school and continuing my education. Regrets are like reliving huge mistakes that we have made in our lives. Life has given me challenges that I have endured.

    I have to say that  I am still proud of how I turned out in comparison to most. I have had to deal with the some real life issues at such an early age. I have been on my own since the age of 16 and have learned a great deal that most people  don't get introduced to until they move away from their parents.

    Regrets are always a reminder about how to educate your own children, and how your experience should teach them what not to do.

  11. I regret letting myself think i wasn't important.

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