
Does anyone regret their spouse.?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone make a mistake at the altar?




  1. Biggest mistake. I think it was a bad luck. Out of it now.

  2. haven't been married as of yet, i almost made a mistake but i found out she was a cheater, i dumped her and am currently engaged to the most wonderful person ever, we have our date set for august 29 2009

  3. No I was never married

  4. it was the biggest mistake of my life, i still get mad at the mention of his name.

  5. sometimes i honestly think i regret it... then i say lets see were it goes

  6. aw no

  7. nope

  8. Half the people that go to the altar get a divorce and of the remaining half, how many of them stay together because of the kids, religious reasong, financial, etc.  

    I'd say a lot of the people who get married make the wrong choice.

  9. My second husband! He was an old High School friend. We reconnected after 25 yrs., 2 yrs. of long distance calls and we finally decided it was time. I flew 3000 miles away. Spent a week with him, we got married... I flew home, sold everything, brought my son and we came back. The man had a noose around my neck when I got back. He was a lousy, control freak who expected me to have no friends, no job, couldn't drive, no calls when he was home, no computer when he was home....  oh yeh. I made a huge mistake. When I would talk to him about it he would tell me that there was something wrong with me! Right...... there was something wrong.. I was married to  HIM!

  10. Yes

  11. BIG time. But i don't feel like this everyday. Just 60% of the time...

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