
Does anyone remember a children's programme with elephants that were royals??

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I cant remember what it was called...can anyone help me out??




  1. not sure, babar, king babar?

  2. Babar

  3. Babar :)

  4. babar the elephant??  thats the only one i can think of

  5. Barbar the elephant - i had the books but think it was on tv too.

  6. OMG yes!!! "Babar". It was my favorite show!!

  7. Yes, I still have some of its books from my childhood, its called Babar the Elephant. The animated television series were called "Barbar." Based on the famous books by Laurent de Brunhoff, the plot focuses on the story of Babar as it is told by him to his children. Babar is a young elephant who undergoes many challenges and adventures. But Babar always finds the strength to rise above difficulty and search out every cloud's silver lining. Babar is crowned king of the elephants, plans and builds Celesteville, and becomes a father himself. And he learns the greatest lesson of all: despite life's challenges, great things are possible if one never gets discouraged.

    Here is the website

  8. Babar... based on the books by....anyone?  back in a minute.  I can find this.  Okay, Rachelle gave the name.

    I LOVED those books when I was a kid!   Only problem, in my day, they were written in cursive, so that long after I could read and write, my mom still had to read them to me.  Nowadays, they are all done up in print.  I think it takes something away from them.  :(

  9. Babar. It was one of my favorites as a kid. I also show it to my little neices and nephews on PBS.

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