
Does anyone remember a little boy named "Laddie Magee" Laddie was beaten to death by his father around 1980's

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This story ran for 3 days by reporter Bob Greene. I think it was in the Tribune newspaper. Laddie Magee was beaten to death by his father & mother. Laddie was 3 years old. The story is so horrendious of what was done to this innocent little boy it is almost un-thinkable. If anyone remembers this story and how I can go about to secure a re-print of what Bob Greene wrote, (around the 1980'S) would be a major step. Because this story touched me so much I am now in a position to start a memorial fund for little Laddie. I need this information to find out certain facts that I just cannot seem to remember.

I have been through wars and have been in the medical field and even worked for the medical examiner's office all of my adult life and as far back as I can remember I have not come across a more sickening story of what this father did to this little innocent 3 year old boy.He was caught, put in jail with the mother but that does not take away what Laddie Magee had to endure.Please help?





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