
Does anyone remember?

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the cb radio boom and what did you think of it ?




  1. yes i do! i was only asking about this the other night. i loved my c b i had a maxcom 21e with a 30ft silver rod ariel. it was the best in our area i used to be on it all night! my "handle" was lioness i met my husband "the biker" at a cb club and we have been married 25 years this year so it brings back very fond memories for me! have a a star!!!

  2. 10-4

  3. You can still get CB radio, Maplin do stuff for it.

    CB was a good thing in that it bought mass communication to thousands who had little or no technical experience of radio electronics prior to that, and indeed many went on to learn more advanced work. Radio Hams complained bitterly that you did not have to train for it or understand how it worked, but how many Hams use computer software that they couldn't re-code?

    It died off primarily because the cost of the equipment outweighed its value as a means of communication and plunged further when mobile phones became widespread. It does still have a following however, and the people that use it now generally have a serious use for it.

  4. Yeah i loved it, The internet is a little similar i feel??

    I had a homebase unit and 1 in the car (with a bullhorn and echo chamber, i had some fun with that)...

  5. Hi hunni

    Or should I say Roger Dickie Dodge! How many candles you burning & What's your 20? Yes  I remember CB radio lol

    I used to really enjoy going on it.

    Good Luck hunni. X :-)

  6. Yes I remember, it got out of hand though with everyone wanting to get on there at the same time.  We were on a farm setup  and it was almost impossible to communicate with anyone at the end.

  7. Yes, but as I'm a ham, it drove me up the wall! Amateur radio is still going!

  8. was very popular, shame there was a minority of idiots who would spoil others enjoymentment of it by dead keying the mike and playing music over the airways so people could not be heard.

    Once in a while there would be freaky conditions that would let you 'get out' a d**n long distance , it was one big social gathering - thats a 4 for sure !

  9. Loved it, I was on A M and I suppose it was a bit like chatrooms only less technical.
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