
Does anyone remember the Straws that when put inside a glass of Milk?

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Kayboff ~ Thanks. I will see if I can locate some now. thye were the best. the ones i remember were in a wax like straw thanks so much!




  1. Hi Pagan. No dear I don't remember anything like that. But my grandchildren would love it! My grandson makes chocolate milk the old fashion way, This is the best way to get him to drink milk. Here is a star for you.   Poppy

  2. Gee Poppy how do you remember these , you have brought back great memories I remember them , we put them in a drink and the flavour was inside the straw but it never seemed to last the whole drink through. I love to have a milk shake nowadays that is chocolate,with lots of ice cream and malt, but the shops dont sell malted milkshakes anymore so we make them at home and they are great. Have a nice day

  3. yeh they DEFINETLY DONT MAKE THOSE ANYMORE! but there is this new thing called Cereal Straws, and u put it in milk, and the straw is made of cereal, and u eat the straw and sip milk! genius i tell, u genius! haha lol!

  4. they do not make them sorry but they make different stuff now even better

  5. Hi Pagan!  I remember them!  If my memory serves me well, I believe they were called Flavor Straws,  and they also had one that made strawberry milk - did you ever try them?  The straws had a strip of some type of felt paper that had the flavors and coloring infused in it so when you sucked the milk up the straw it flavored the milk.   The bad thing about them was we all wanted to blow the milk back into the glass to see how dark we could make it (I know- too much information :-)  I don't know if they still sell anything like that.  Thanks for that memory.

  6. we used them with school milk,( which i hated with a vengeance) ,but those straws at least made it fun ,did u also see who could make the most frothy bubbles ?

  7. I found Flav-R-Straws. Does that ring a bell? There are some interesting comments on this link. I want to say I remember strawberry, but I'm not really sure. My grandmother didn't buy too many things like that.

  8. I kind of think Nestle made them, but no, they're not on the market any more.  There was strawberry, too (yuckier than the chocolate).  

    There was a artificial chocolate-flavored strip of something inedible inside the straw that would flavor the milk as you sucked it up the straw.  They were really fun, huh?!

  9. I used to take those to school, and all my friends were jealous.  Someone told me not too long ago that he found something similar at Walgreen's, but I never checked.

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