
Does anyone remember the white truck driver who was beat by those black people during the riot?

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The truck driver. I just seen a video clip of him getting beat and i want to know his name. Thanks!




  1. i remember it well but dont know his name, i forgot it was so long ago. they probaly give you the answer.sorry.

  2. it has been so many beatings since then white/black  so i guess

  3. Reginald Denny. Unfortunately one never sees the video of the black and Asian grandstanders who ostentatiously stepped forth to offer him aid after they saw that someone was videotaping the attack.

  4. Yeah and the only thing he did wrong was make a wrong turn.

  5. Reginald Denny. Unfortunately one never sees the video of the two black guys and the Asian guy who ran out and rescued him when they saw the beating on TV, but of course the media showed the beating part over and over again for days. Jesus wept.

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