
Does anyone secretly like troll invasions?

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Not racist scum like Percy, just regular Jonas nuts and stuff.

Though I oppose them, I do enjoy the fun of an invasion.




  1. It definetly livens things up haha, but me personaly...naaaaa. Dont like em.

  2. Lol, Randy K. He's funny.

  3. I don't like the Jonas Trolls or the racist ones. The emo ones suck too.

    I like the cool ones, like movie characters or tv characters.

    I think they're the best. However, some of them do suck, some people can do it right and others just can't.

    Like the geniuses behind Dr.Phil and ms.Jackson. They can do it right.

  4. Yes trolls are the best especially white ones

    HORNS UP \m/


  5. Anything to break up the ole "same ole-same ole" although.......

    Some of these mentally deranged, bottom feeding trolls (like Percy) who aren't quite ready for prime time could consider looking up "Buk's Troll Consulting" over in P&S. Buk's been on the charts with a bullet for 144 consecutive weeks.


  6. I dont mind them cos I love seeing people answer the questions especially the answers the Jonas ones get =D But the racist ones are

  7. No, only the really good trolls like the keWel and haWt trolls, Satanist, and Dr. Phil. The rest are just annoying.

  8. it's a good laugh I guess to see how hard they try

  9. Yeah Percy is a real jerk.

    But the JB trolls are interesting at first then they get annoying.

  10. I enjoy it. It gives Me a chance to polish My flaming skills.

    Percy is a Giant Douche though

  11. I like em they give me a chance to vent.

  12. Yeah, I think it's funny when all my questions for a day are deleted. Yeah, big lol.  But I do have a secret crush on fizzdude. Haven't seen him in a while though. Anyone know where he's been hiding out?

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