
Does anyone see colors when you have strong emotions

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For example, I see everything in grey when I am depressed, and in a tint of red when I am really mad. I have a friend who says he sees a tint of blue when he is euphoric. I've never noticed that one. I hear grey isn't unusual for depression, but I'm wondering about that and if anyone else experiences other colors, too.

I asked this before, but since I didn't get many answers, thought I'd try again.




  1. supposedly yes. i would guess that the blood pressure building up in your eyes could happen and make you see a tint of red when your made. but grey just may be because you feel gloomy and you mind plays a trick on you.

  2. Hmmm....must be a fairly common thing.  Ever heard of someone "seeing red" as in got real mad?  Thats probably where that came from.

  3. I myself have not, but I know of a few people that see red when they are mad.  I think that's pretty cool to see color with your emotions!

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