
Does anyone see s with this statement - we should stop worrying about the planet (global warming etc.) -?

by Guest60953  |  earlier

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and start worrying about ourselves. Try and create a stable and advanced society first (we may have burn all the fossil fuels, cut down forrests) - in terms of using/creating renewable energies (like nuclear fusion powerstations), safe economy (no corruption), advancing further in science and technology, utilizing peaceful values (no military) until we reach an 'equilibrium' (not necessarily utopia) in human civilization before we worry the planet as it will sort itself out. Over Earth's history species evolved and adapted and cause the extinction of other species, and the climate has changed and balanced itself out. As far as we know we are the most adavnced/intelligent species in the universe so we must treat that with great importantance. As far as I'm concerned we have five billion years left until we're swallowed by the Sun. Sometimes good human endeavor succeeds in the end.

Not trying to be selfish, just logical.

Sorry about the grammer - I just wanted to convey how I felt




  1. It exists in the movies ever see Star Trek? I guess it is a pipe dream but the nature of man is so that we will always fight amongst our selves to protect the culture and way of life each of us enjoys.

    Your logic is flawed but a nice thought though maybe.

  2. Your statement that

    "species evolved and adapted and caused the extinction of other species"  shows a lack of understanding about evolution.

    Yes individual species have maybe caused the extinction of others,  (although I'm not sure an evolution scientist would put it that way)

    but not at 1000 times the back ground rate of extinction for the planet, which is whats going on now.  We, as one species, are threatening the extinction of ALL species.  

    I'm not speaking exclusively of global warming, we are doing this even without global warming.

    We have free will.  We can choose not to do this.  That's a little different than a normal evolutionary progression in nature.  

    You are making a mistake by assuming that we are just animals and nothing more.  Man creates his own reality with his thoughts.  If that seems like an outrageous statement,  I'm here to tell you, that that is what all enlightened people in the world know.  The state of things in the world are the result of the collective thoughts of all the people in the world.  Outragious?  Maybe, but it is true.

    Too much us and them thinking, too much thinking that the world is just stuff and therefore what does it matter what we do to our environment.  It is all based on an incorrect world view.  Reality is quite different than commonly assumed.

    You might want to read some books by Fred Alan Wolf Phd who writes books about quantum physics and the nature of reality.  The universe is far more strange than we think it is.

    And man is far more than commonly thought.

    Wolf's books include  The Spiritual Universe,

    The Dreaming Universe , Taking the Quantum Leap.  Also a book called The Tao of Physics is an earlier book with a similar theme.  But Wolf makes the ideas accessable to a layman and fun to read.  

      The mechanistic universe of cause and effect  that you are referring to is based on Newtonian physics several hundred years old.  This is still the outlook of most scientists, but that is changing.  That is by no means the universe that quantum physics describes.

    Also, evolution is much more than just survival of the fittest.  this aspect of evolution has been stressed at the expense of perhaps a more important concept, that of symbiosis.  Evolution happens as much by cooperation among species as it does by competition.  The  first idea has so dominated our thinking, especially in the west, that we have arrived at a dog eat dog kind of perception of reality that has colored our cultural values, economic theories and more.  It is a very limited view.  That is what is wrong with the world.

    And religions have limited views as much as reductionists scientist do.  

    I saw a bumper sticker recently that says a lot.

    "God is too big to fit inside one religion"

    That's because God, or the absolute or whatever you want to call it, is INFINITE.  Beyond any religion's description and beyond any of our scientific descriptions.  No concept can describe infinity.

    You don't have to be religious per say to get something from what I'm saying.  

    This is what no one is talking about, that what the world needs to solve it's problems is higher consciousness. If you think that's a pipe dream, you are dead wrong.  The world is full of people who have achieved this higher consciousness.  I personally have met hundreds of them.   As Bob Dylan said in a song,  "there's something going on here,  but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones?"

    And as William Blake said  "a fool and a wise man don't see the same tree"

    Reality is a perception.  Not a fixed rigid thing.

    Shakespeare, another wise man, said the same thing .  to paraphrase since I don't have it here in front of me,  "  the world is far more than you philosophers could possibly dream of"

    Life is a dream!  some people wake up from the dream.  Blake and Shakespeare were among those who wake up.

    How's that for food for thought?

    If you truly understood what I am saying, you're views about the environment would be quite different.

    One of the answerers here says that man will always fight....  yeah, as long as that is what we believe.  And logic only goes so far, imagination and intuition are equally important, maybe more so.  Einstein said as much.

  3. Utopia from latin translates as u=no topia=place.

    Humans will always need to eat, with that in mind many people are working on developing permaculture. One ecovillage is even called Topia!

  4. My soul has already left your planet.  Does that make me an illegal alien?   I can look at the horizon at any time of the day and see the brown layer of car exhaust and since I've flown to Europe many times I know that it is all over the world. Also I know that it used to not be here when I flew 35 years ago. Also I am alarmed at the number of jack asses who write here that they are not believers in human caused atmosphere depletion/poisoning. Temperature extremes result from a thinned out atmosphere, just look at Mars. I also think that mankind is giving itself the shaft of death by agreeing to be bound by current government insistance on not allowing new technolgies to go forward quickly enough. My antidote is the Jet Stream, all that is required is the tower to collect it and use it for transportation here on the planets surface. (Constant 150 mph winds available at elevations beginning at 3,000 feet) This power is obviously a permanent and clean method of transportation, using large tubes and cannisters to transport items and people. We could use the current unemployed (millions of people needed) to construct these devices that intercept the jet stream and send it down tubes to interchange receptacles on Earth. etc. etc. But then again, I'm the one who wants to use proven methods to eliminate the need for all water in the depositing of human waste process

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