
Does anyone see the similarity in Obama and the prophecy of the antichrist?

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I'm not saying he is

but I've read Revelation

perty close





  1. NOPE

  2. It's a loose parallel at best that could really be applied to just about anyone if you really tried.  I've heard the same thing said about President Bush, Oprah Winfrey, even the Pope for that matter.  I try as hard as I can to avoid being held in judgement of being a false prophet, frankly.

  3. DEE-doo......DEE-doo.......

  4. I agree that it is possible....and if The Wife keeps influencing him the way she has been,it will be looking better

  5. Only the delusional.

  6. i think the accuser is closer.

  7. No, i don't see this at all, I think the same could be said about the current president

  8. i think you are so right, his first name equals to the number six and he sure is a smooth talker.

  9. Godslittlesoldier- Are you joking? Obama is a good soul- You are just being a biggit- I understand that you didnt directly say he IS- but you completely insinuate that he is the antichrist. I hope you ask God for fogiveness for being a racist.

  10. I do for sure !!!

  11. oh  ya   we are all going 2 h@@ll

  12. Nah.  Not the antichrist--just one of the horsemen.  The black horseman... of starvation and famine.

  13. Very much so...and the other answer made a great point of The Wife's influence being unwordly..she may very well be his demon

  14. yes..I hear this more and more...and he doesn't have to know he is at this time...just soon...he is a very close match to all the requirements...its scary when you also see the power The Wife has over him...maybe a Demon Familiar?..and Hillary has long been thought to be a Demon also....maybe her as Veep will fulfill the Plan?

  15. The only one I see is that Obama would be the type who would follow the antichirst to be PC.

    The antichrist will be all accepting of all faiths expect conservative Judaism and Christianity.

    Yet Obama doesn't have the mass appeal the antichirst will have.

    So Obama is not the antichrist but the time is coming soon.

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