
Does anyone smoke?

by  |  earlier

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i went to a pub today and had to go outsite for a f*g which was ok as it was not that cold but what will it be like in dec? i just think why sell them if you cant smoke them anywhere in uk will people stop going to pubs?




  1. your days of polluting other peoples lungs are over matey,i hope you enjoy the winter months shivering in some corner like a dosser with your ciggy frozen to your bottom lip ha ha ha!!!

  2. Try living in Canada and being a smoker :) It is h**l when you go out in the winter.

  3. I dont think that people will stop going to pubs, why should a little thing like a cigarette stop people. i personally agree with the ban, i am a non smoker and hate it when i walk into a pub and it smells of smoke, its a much better atmosphere without. If you want to smoke when its cold then i'd say do it in the privacy of your own home, or why not try to quit the habit? Pubs have sold cigs long before the ban came about, so still continue to do so because the facilities are there, its all about money making and convenience. If your on a night out walking from pub to pub and want a cigarette but you realise your packets empty... then really the only place to get them late at night is in a pub.

  4. I live in California in the US and when they banned indoor smoking in ALL places like a zillion years ago the big controversy was whether or not they would loose business. Well not only was business NOT LOST, it increased because those who smoked just went outside and those who didn't smoke or wouldn't go around smoke started coming.

    I agree with the ban.  I hate being around smokers and I think I should have the right to breathe clean air when I poison my liver. :0)

  5. I am a smoker and personally I would have just left and gone to a pub where smokers are accepted.

  6. i live in ireland and u have to go out for a smoke and everyone has just got used to it now people have good craic in and outside the pub. but people definatly havnt stoped going to the pub thats for sure!!!

  7. yes I smoke . and really enjoy a cigarette when  having a pint or two I think the smoking

    ban will have a very bad affect on the pub trade.

  8. In Canada, we've gotten used to it!  Plus our smoking laws keep getting stricter and stricter!

  9. the other way around -- i hope -- people who go to pubs will stop smoking...and the pubs will still attract customers -- hope it helps.

  10. In Scotland you are not allowed to smoke in any enclosed public place.  This means that when you go out for a drink, you need to either finish it or leave it lying while you go for a smoke.  I think there will be a massive increase in the number of peoples drinks being 'spiked'.  This is not such a problem in Ireland where there have been smoking bans for some time now as you can take your drink outside with you, but in Scotland it's an offence unless you are in a beer garden.  Pubs are opening beer gardens but I agree, it's getting colder and it's not much fun.  I prefer to stay home now instead of socialising in the pub.

  11. Why do they then say "SMOKING IS DANGEROUS FOR YOUR LIFE?"

    A world of hypocrites!

  12. Only nutcases ¡

  13. I do believe people that smoke will stop going to pubs.  Then the people that don't smoke will start going.  I smoke and I live in Wyoming where you still can smoke practically everywhere.  There have been a few restaurants that have gone completely non-smoking, I do not go to those.  It is a big inconvience.

  14. I am a part time smoker, who only light up when stressed!, but i dont really like the smell of other peaples smoke.   weird is`nt it?  

    I think when people go into a pub they should be allowed to smoke,    when the profits go down in the pub, they`ll welcome smokers back........

  15. In France a pub stopped smoking  to attract non-smokers,thinking there were more of them,the profits went down 40%,so they have started it again,that is until the ban comes in next year ,so who knows what will happen ,i personally think pub landlords should have a choice....also i think its discrimination against a minority group which isnt supposed to be allowed !!

  16. Welcome to the club fellow smoker. Here in the US ( I'm from New York State ) The Anti-smokeing band is in full swing. they have raised the cost per pack ($3.99 - $5.99) so people won't buy them. Well it hasn't. It only gives the Goverment more money from the taxes they collect per pack. We too are band from smokeing in Bars (pubs) and any public place . When smokeing in a dinner if someone asked me to please not smoke I would respect thier reguest. Now they don't have to ask..I don't have the right to smoke. Just the right to pay the high price of smoking. The BLEEDING HEARTS have won this one . Sucks Huh ?

  17. yes people will stop going to pubs cos why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly

  18. I like smoke better than air. If I could I would keep smoking even after it kills me.  I say go ahead and smoke outside the pub, but make sure you start farting loudly inside.

  19. YES They will stop going. In New York (upstate) I did not find one restaurant, pub (bar) shopping mall etc. that allowed smoking. My daughter in law is a dancer in niteclub. Business is going down hill fast.

    I can understand non smokers not wanting to breathe in the smoke.... but to say this bar is forbidden to allow smoking is unfair!  They should have pubs (bars) that do not allow any smoking and pubs (bars) that do allow smoking. Then the choice of where you go is on you. Not the government telling you.

  20. I'm a smoker, live in Ireland and I agree with the ban, a lot of pubs have suffered due to the ban and a lot of people have begun to have more house parties so they can smoke all they want. But at the beginning it was a shock having to go outside it gradually got to the point where pubs that had the room  built smoking areas many are outside but the law is that they must be open and walled in only on 3 sides so some pubs have like conservatories or large plastic tents its great craic and theres even a new culture called "Smirting" smokers flirting!! It does look awful when its a small pub with no beer garden and all the smokers are outside but I still do it, we adapted very quickly to this law and i'm sure the same will happen in Britain. In the beginning you could smell everything in the pubs cos the smoke used to block it out i.e. B.O. and stale booze but it seems to have gotten better now.

  21. I think that smokers should stand up for themselves more. If pubs don't allow smoking stop going. The same with restaurants or any other place. After the companies lose enough business the laws will soon change. I am a non smoker now but feel that people should have rights. People can live in an area even if they are likely to be terrorists due to political correctness yet a person can't smoke in a pub? The world has gone mad.

  22. this is happening already, people will prefer to stay at home .

  23. Nearly everyone in my family smokes (though we'd all like to quit).  We have to go out of city limits to find a bar or restaurant that has a smoking room/section.

    Gee, I had no clue they were banning smoking in bars in Europe--I thought it was still okay there--I guess your governments are following ours (unfortunately).

    It is ridiculous not to be able to smoke in bars--even some non-smokers like to smoke when they drink.

  24. I have seen people smoking whils eating ughh

  25. Smoking was banned in Pubs over two years ago here in Ireland. I am a smoker and I think it is great. All pubs have lovely outback smoking areas with chairs tables heaters overhead covers and sometimes even a bar. I must admit in the first year alot of people stopped going to pubs and there was a definit change in business for the publicans. Gradually with the improvement of the smoking areas it has got back to normal. I dont mind at all going out. My partner has worked in a bar since a young lad. He is now 22. (a non smoker) He suffers from asthma. Since the smoking was banned his asthma has cleared up completely. So it just goes to show the effect that smoke has on the staff that have to breath the chemicals that a couple of 100 f**s gives off a night.

  26. No.  It's bad for you.
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