
Does anyone <span title="know..................?(really">know..................?(r...</span> important question)?

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ok,so im srry for asking this question again but i didn't get the answer im looking for , does anyone know any site,recepies for healthy , longer , stronger nails??....plz don't say nail-polish or vitamins i'v tried it but didn't get great results....idk like a simple nail grwoth recepie...plz plz help!





    easy home remedies to help get healthy strong nails .

  2. rub olive oil into your cuticles (the area of skin below the nail)

  3. iv heard that rubbing garlic on ur nails makes them strong and grow quick. but iv nevr tried it as nail polish keeps them strong and mine nevr stop growing. also, file them down all one lenghth and shape and start growing. after filing the egdes, make sure u buff them with a nail buffer as this makes ur nails smooth and also shiny, so they won&#039;t chip or brek. oh and yep they say after applying lip balm, rub the spare balm on ur cuticles, but any oil or cream does the same to keep ur cuticles soft. hop i helpd!!! gud luk

  4. healthy hair and nails.... try eating oily fish and nuts!!

  5. dont cut them...........eazy

  6. Yes it&#039;s true, i do it all the time....but for stronger nails, eat gelotine, ik it sounds weird but it works...... :)

  7. I have always been told that gelatin strengthens nails. I think all flavors of gelatin work in the same way. There isn&#039;t really a recipe but if you search the internet gelatin and nail growth or start eating more Jell-O you may notice stronger nails. I hope this helps a little.

  8. put your hands in a bowl of water for an hour each day and by a week, you should see that they have grown quite a bit!

    Hope this helps!


    Hopefully this link will help.

  10. I don&#039;t think lip balm &quot;cures&quot; dry cuticles. I think it depends on what your skins like. But try putting on lots of hand cream before you go to bed and put on some gloves that you can wear to sleep. You can probably buy these from somewhere like Body Shop or Boots. I&#039;ve also heard that having a diet that includes cheese and milk helps nails to grow strong and healthy nails. I&#039;ve posted a couple of links below about nail care and the first one has more tips like putting lemon on nails! As they help make them clearer.

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