
Does anyone <span title="know???????????????????????">know?????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I have been searching for a captains bed. Those are the ones with drawers on the bottom for you to place whatever you want in them. Well I need a twin size and the mattress has got to be included. I can only pay up to a $100 for it. Where can I go and what do I do? Does anyone know?????????????????????




  1. You can post a request for one on freecycle and craigslist. Also, look on craigslist, freecycle and cheapcycle to see if anyone&#039;s offering one near you, as well as the classified ads in your local paper. You can also check any resale shops around you, but a problem you can run into there is that in some states it&#039;s illegal for stores to sell used mattresses, so you might only be able to get the bed. Remember that if you get the bed cheap enough, you can maybe make do by buying a foam mattress pad or an inflatable mattress, at least until you can get a regular one.

    Good luck.

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