
Does anyone still believe the "Man-Made Global Warming" fraud?

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ARe 31,000 scientists who refute mana made global warming wrong?

Scientists sign petition denying man-made global warming

More than 31,000 scientists have signed a petition denying that man is responsible for global warming.

http://media.k** on Global Warming02.pdf




  1. I believe man has contributed to global warming, but is not the cause or sole contributor. The Earth was going to warm up anyway, man has just sped up the process since the Industrial Revolution.

  2. The Oregon petition, which you cite, has been attacked on many grounds, including the loose definition of "scientist" to include engineers, doctors, veterinarians, etc.  A very small minority of the signatories have any training which allows a competent reading of the evidence for anthropogenic global warming.

    More telling, in terms of scientific surveys, is the more than 30 scientific societies which have researched the subject and found strong evidence for human-caused global warming.  Only two such societies were less than unequivocal.  (1)

    The reality is the Oregon petition is a group of self-selected non-experts, when the entries are not fraudulent to begin with.  I myself am a scientist and work at a major university, and can tell you virtually all real experts on climate science think global warming is happening and is caused by humans.  

    Let's examine the evidence for ourselves.  The theory of how global warming operates is that CO2 (carbon dioxide), released in large quantities by human activities, acts to trap heat from the sun causing an increase in temperature.  This effect has been observed in the lab, but can also be seen in the global climate record.  In reference 2, note the near perfect correlation of the CO2 (green line) with the temperature (blue line).  These are actual measurements. While a correlation is not definitive to show causation, in light of the well established physical theory by which CO2 causes an increase in temperature, and demonstrations of this effect--the greenhouse effect--in the lab, this demonstrates CO2 has a strong warming effect on the climate.

    Careful accounting of the contributions of carbon to the atmosphere, including human and natural sources shows humans are contributing a large amount of CO2 to the atmosphere.  Moreover, measurements taken around the world show a dramatic increase in the concentration of CO2 in the air (3).  It is reasonable to conclude, therefore, humans are very likely the cause of global warming.

    As a scientist, I should also note this review is only a thumbnail sketch.  Other factors need to be considered--other greenhouse gasses exist, and human activities release other factors, such as dust, which may have some cooling effects.  A comprehensive view is not possible in this space, but a comprehensive review of the available evidence (when done by competent climate science experts) invariably leads to the same conclusion: humans are causing the climate to warm.

  3. all the "scientists" can sign the letter and the facts will not change,

    what does a medical scientist have to say about global warming?,

    for most of the people if someone has a PhD he is supoused to be expert in EVERYTHING but is just completely the oposite he is expert in a very specific point of science, and regarding everything else he knows as much as anyone else,

    to have a valid point it should be specified how many of that scientist are expert in the enviromental field, and how many are in expert in: psichology, medicine, literature, mathematics, etc.

  4. I believe that man is not the sole contributor to the problem of global warming, but they have accelerated the process that causes the earth to warm up. Instead of happening gradually over a period of hundreds of years, now the warming is happening over decades.

    While the fault is not entirely on us, humans can improve upon their methods and clean up the enviornment. Even if you do not believe in global warming, you have to admit that this world has gotten dirtier over the years. It is our responsibility to clean up the environment and make our planet a habitable place for those who come after us.

  5. Too bad what they dont tell you is that there arent even 9,000 people in the world with a climate related science Ph.D.  If you want to listen a historian or an anthropologist tell you why man made global warming is a fraud then go ahead but I might listed to the IPCC instead which is made up of primarily climatologist and other scientists related to the field....

    And of the 22,000 "scientists" that dont hold a Ph.D what do they have? A bachelores? Maybe a masters? in what, math or english.  Dont beleive everything you read.  I dont care that 22,000 people dont think man made global warming is a fraud.  I have a masters in Environmental Science/Studies so I think I'm probably more informed then 20,000 of those so called "scientist"

  6. The sort of petition your talking about is self-selecting - it's pretty much meaningless but can fool those who are careless about what they believe, incapable of understanding the issue, or just willfully ignorant.

    The fact remains that the evidence is sufficient to support a global scientific consensus that anthropogenic climate change is real; it's happening right now, we're making it worse, and no poll in the world will change these facts.

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