
Does anyone still "approve" of President Bush?

by Guest67058  |  earlier

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Does anyone still "approve" of President Bush?




  1. I do i would love to party with the dude.

  2. I do not disapprove. You must remember that the "intelligence" was available to a joint committee including senior democrats.The democrats have pursued a very dishonest line for their selfinterest. Their"apparatchik" has come up with this strategy to win the next election: namely the constant vilification of Pres. Bush over the "war" and constantly harping that the "war" is lost. Thus the grudging silence over the improving situation following the surge policy & the growing competence & confidence of the Iraqi army. It matters not to them that this constant negativity undermines both the morale of theUS public & the resolve of the Iraqi Gvt. to establish democracy in their country. Kind of odd behaviour coming from those who call themselves "democrats" don't you think? If there is a reasonably successful conclusion to the problems in Iraq it will be the result of the present administrations efforts, but of course the democrats will claim full credit 5 mins. after assuming power. This is the entire basis of their pre-election strategy, resume power by continuously blaming Bush & telling the public that we have "lost" the "war". If you remove this cannard from the election scenario what else have the democrats got to stand on? The answer is NOTHING but a failed jumble of confused socialistic ideas like taxing oil companies who will promptly pass costs to us the users, not to mention the disastrous effect on superannuation funds which are heavily invested in those companies. Who will suffer then? The fund members who have been saving for retirement- yep! Our parents & grandparents. What US does not need is a return to the debacles of the Carter years. Put McCarter in office and you will get it.

  3. I sure don't.  To tell you the truth, I do not know one person today who does.  He should have been impeached a long time ago.

  4. No. he unconstitutionally started a war in the middle east which was a very stupid thing.

  5. about 20%. Even lower % than Nixon after watergate.

  6. nopers

  7. Bush and his policies are the number one terrorist in the world.

  8. Yes.

  9. Only those that are informed of the facts.

    He does spend a bit too much money for my taste though.

    Politicians speak what they want you to believe, not what is the truth. Why do you think there are so many polls?

    It's up to the American people to seek out the facts, because you will not find them in the mainstream medial.

    By the way, as low as his approval ratings are, they are nearly double the democratic congress.

  10. No or maybe... still no

  11. Yes. He's not my favorite guy in the whole world, but I certainly don't hate him or blame him for all of our problems. The biggest problem in our country is this attitude of always trying to find a scapegoat. People agreed with the government about going to Iraq, but when people started dying they blamed Bush for everything. He didn't gather the intelligence about Iraq and Saddam all by himself. It's not all his fault. Plus, I think he had a lot to handle after only 9 months in office when September 11th happened. People need to realize that the President doesn't have as much control as they think, and thus isn't responsible for all of our problems.

  12. Yes

  13. Believe it or not, there are still some people who still believe Bush is doing the right thing. It's really quite sad.

    I absolutely never supported him at all.

  14. yes i approve of him %100 percent and i'm not rich or republican but i understand that oil is not only high in the usa. europe has $8 dollar gas also the war is going pretty well, i feel safe, the realesate crisis would have been avoided if banks didn't act so liberal maybe if lending would have been enforced much stricter the economy would be better thats the problem with liberals they think a problem caused by makeing it easy to make money can be solved by makeing easier to make money and when people aren't paid acording to there contribution to society everyone ends up equally poor just look at any communist goverment.

  15. Nearly all of the McCain supporters, and you know who you are, support Bush.  I guess that's the clearest indicator anybody should ever have that a McCain White house is nothing more than another four years of Bush.  They both support the same failed policy with Iraq and the Economy.  And the troubling part it is a vast majority of thier supporters are not stupid people.  The are simply people that are so well off that the failures that both represent are not enough to disuade the support.

  16. Sure, some 20-something percent, according to polls.  I'm not part of that minority.

    The approval rating of a president can never be 0 or 100 percent, because there will always be the clueless that don't know who the president is right now, or think that it is still Bill Clinton, yet will answer.

  17. No, never did.

  18. i don't mind him. He's never done anything to me personally. I stay neutral no matter who is in office.

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