
Does anyone still use grammar? Are they that stupid?

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Sometimes when I read emails, craigslist ads, or other forms of open documentation by people, I just have to stop and ask myself, is the person who wrote this really that stupid?

Many people rarely use any form of punctuation, have numerous spelling errors, and seemingly can't form a logical thought within a logical sentence.

Is everyone really that stupid or uneducated, or is it really laziness that was the cause of them writing/typing such garbage? Do they figure since its just a quick email, note, or personal letter there is no obligation to make sense?




  1. I'm a stickler for grammar.  It really annoys me when people don't type, write or speak properly.

    I always try to use proper grammar, even when I text message.

  2. Yes, you are right.

  3. I wonder the same thing. It's not rocket science! But for some, it is not something that they can grasp. When I get an email from someone that I can't follow because it reads like there is no start or stop, I roll my eyes and ignore it.

    What do you think about the caps and misspellings and then "sorry i dont have speel check on here"? LOL. It makes me want to spank a baby!!!!

  4. It mainly comes from schools allowing barely-literate people to move to the next grade. This is how you can have completely illiterate high school graduates. It's best not to dwell on it, as the full realization of what this means can be quite depressing.

  5. Laziness. I hate it how some people write everything in just one big sentence, and they use short forms for every single word - how long does it take to type "anyways" instead of "newyz"?

  6. It's a little of both, laziness and lack of education.

    People have become so accustomed to using text language and it has spilled over into E-mail, Ads, and even Term Papers. I think that educationally conscious people will try their best to refrain from it.  

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