
Does anyone support father's rights for an unborn fetus?

by  |  earlier

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I feel that a man does not have the right to force a woman to carry his child. Until men can carry a child independent of a woman, I feel this is a sad fact to face.

But can proponents of father's rights explain why they support their stance?




  1. Just remove the foetus from the mother's womb, and let him gestate it in his abdominal cavity.

  2. Agreed. It's a fact of nature that babies grow in women and not men, which means women get 100 percent control of the childbearing process up until the baby is born.

  3. I don't think a man should make his wife/gf get an abortion, and if he wants a baby but his wife/gf gets had an abortion anyway he should just leave her and never forgive her(that's what I'd do if I were a guy who's wife/gf got an abortion).

  4. I definitely advocate a man's right to voice his opinion. But like you said a woman shouldn't be forced to carry a man's child whether it is because of the father's opinion or the government's.

  5. this ought to be good

    I agree with you, but I am eager to see how others respond.

  6. I don't, to me it's nothing to do with gender it's just coinsidence that it's in the female body In the same way if it were a L*****n relationship I think it would be the mother's right.

    I think if the men are that passionate about hating abortion, or wanting abortion then they should talk with their partners BEFORE they drop their pants.

  7. I like you ;-))).

  8. Well, I think if a woman and a man are in a good relationship, they would discuss whether or not they were going to have a child.  I hope that they would take each other's views into consideration.

    Do women really expect men to not have any feelings, or not to care whether their child is born or not?  Then why should they expect them to give a d**n after the child is born?

  9. Frankly I dont care, because I dont intend to marry a woman that wouldnt let me have any input in it and I wouldnt have s*x outside a brothel unless I want children with that woman. Tell your gf s*x is serious and not about fun. If she thinks the 2 of you should have s*x just for fun drop the ho if she cant wait for you to decide weather or not she is the one. Chastity are essential wifely qualities and being quite of course. Too many confuse gf material with wife material and thats when you have 50% divorce rate.

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