
Does anyone take the train to work or school everyday?

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I'm thinking about taking the train to school everyday (hopefully 3 days a week), the train ride would be about an hour, so two hours traveling time per day.

Have you done it and would you recommend it?




  1. I have to take the train every day for school (no choice) and its 2 1/2 hours there and then back every of 5 hours of travel a day :( it sucks i hate it but its necessary and only 29 more days and I am done! Whooo!  Its better than driving and better for the environment so that makes it better :)

  2. I took the NYC subway for 7 years (3 years high school and 4 years college).  Over one hour each way.

    The commute takes a lot out of me.  I was so glad I didn't have to do that anymore after I graduated from college.

    My college commute was particularly stressful--  I had to change trains 2 times, and after getting off one I would be running to another platform to catch the next connection, and just as I get there the conductor would be closing the doors to pull the train out of the station.  It's almost like they see me coming and do it on purpose.  :-P

    I don't know about other cities, but one needs a lot of intestinal fortitude to be an NYC subway commuter.  :-D

  3. My friend takes the METRA train everyday. He works at the Museum of Science and Industry where he is the train engineer for a model train.

    He recommends it.

  4. Back in the day, I had to take a train to and from high school.  I had a 20 minute bike ride to the station followed by another 25 minute train ride.   4 years of this.

    I liked trains, so the ride was fine.  The train cars were manufactured in the 1920's, affectionately called 'cattle cars.'  They were loud, had no air conditioning - only two fans at each end, and the windows, when they worked, slid up and down to admit fresh air.  The cars rattled and seemed like they had no suspension.    The doors used to board the cars at the stations had trap doors platforms and double-dutch doors so you could open the upper window and look out at the passing scenery (backyards of houses and industrial factories.)

    The 'newer' double decker cars were manufactured in the 1950s and 60's so they had A/C and fixed windows.  Their ride was much smoother and actually quite pleasant.

    The locomotives were noisy, and were manufactured in the 1950's - only 20 years old or so.

    All of that was replaced in the 1980's when the local governments took over the commuter train system.

    Now days, Caltrain along the San Francisco peninsula has very modern equipment.  The ride is smooth, comfortable and fast.  I've taken CalTrain (and the light rail trains) many times and enjoy them each time I use them.

    If  you enjoy reading, you can read a lot of books or do homework during your commute time.  Or play cards with friends.  You can't do that in a car.

    And the stress is a lot lower.

  5. I used to take the train and a bus to get to and from work everyday for almost a year and a half.  My commute was about 3 hours total a day.  I definitely enjoyed the train ride - it's SO much nicer than driving - but after a while the extra commute time became unbearable, so I quit the job for something closer.  If you are only doing it for part of the week, you should be fine.

  6. Not a bad idea gives time for reading, studying

  7. Whenever I go out I use the train here, it's unbelievably cheap, clean, and airconditioned as well as comfy. I love it, pity I'm on a small island.

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