
Does anyone taking antidepressants have mania induced?

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Or is it only bipolar patients who do?




  1. i think that's pretty uncommon.

    If someone taking antidepressants has started having manic episodes, the medicine is of the wrong dosage or simply doesn't work for them. Sometimes it takes a couple tries for a doctor/patient to find the right medicine and dosage for their needs.

  2. My understanding is that if an antidepressant appears to cause mania that would indicate a predisposition to Bipolar. Since Bipolar is often overlooked (misdiagnosed), I believe that situation is an indicator for diagnosis. But only a mental health professional can say for sure.

    My mania would be out of control if I did not have a medicine to manage my moods (Depakote) to take with my antidepressant (Welbutrin)

  3. This is one of the toughest questions in psychiatry. It is not clear if people with antidepressant induced mania need to be treated as Bipolar (that is life long mood stabilization) or if the offending antdepressant can be removed.

    If you need an antidepressant then you will probably have to take it with a mood stabilizer. After your depression has improved, you can speak with your doctor about going off the mood stabilizer, but I would say that in my experience most antidepressant induced mania ultimately results in a diagnosis of Bipolar.

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