
Does anyone the cure for oral fixation?

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I like eating and chewing on pens.I tried to use steel pens to stop but its not working. Every time I think about food, get bored, anything else I want to eat.




  1. As you already know there are many reasons for the habit.  From tension, nerves  to boredom.

    If it is tension or nerves once you manage to resolve those issues you will probably stop biting things without even really thinking about it.

    If it is purely a habit, you could try dipping your pens, pencils in a hot pepper solution (not so hot that it blisters but hot enough that you wont leave the pen/pencil in your mouth either)

    I’m going to also though out an idea that I read in one of the psychology magazines years ago.  The article suggested that some people (not all but enough to get the researchers attention) with pen chewing, ice crunching, or similar habits had a vitamin deficiency.  In many cases an iron deficiency.  While by no means was the study conclusive, it did seem to show a possible link between the desire to chew on things and various vitamin deficiencies.  However, I don’t think there have been any other follow up studies on that.

    But regardless it cannot hurt to take a good multi-vitamin. If it helps wonderful, if it does not it is still good for you.  So it can’t hurt to try.

    If that doesn’t help then I would drop back to the hot pepper idea. ;-)

    And if that doesn’t work, we will consider taking up a collection to hire someone to follow you around to slap your hand, or maybe use an “electric zapper”, every time you put a pen or pencil in your mouth.  (Joke, sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

    Seriously, Good luck with breaking the habit.

    May Our Creator watch over you and your family.

  2. I'm addicted to Wintergreen lifesavers,  I buy a Giant bag of the large individually wrapped ones, and I always have them handy

  3. Have a beverage handy all the time with lots of ice in it.  The oral sensation of cold liquid and crushing with your teeth should do it.

  4. chew gum

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