
Does anyone think Ben Cousins should not be allowed to play afl next year unless with wce! why/why not?

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i know people will think im biased but i cannot see how he could possiblely play with another club! the afl were quick to make us sack him and now quick to let him back -- just to with wce.. but any other club is fine! i dont see how this is reasonable. not that they would take him back.. anyway i think they have already said no.. still i dont see how other clubs should benifit from our great player when we cannot.. i would love to see him play footy again but just not in a different jumper!!




  1. **I don't think he should be able to play again.  The AFL drugs policy is absolute c**p and this was made clear last year.  I feel for Ben Cousins but I really think he's had his chance.  If he was to ever play again people would constantly be questioning whether he was still on drugs etc and I don't think it would be good for the game.  I personally would be so angry with my club if they picked him up.

    I really think the AFL need to make an example of him and hopefully send out a good message to young kids coming into the game.  There's no room for drugs in the AFL.**

  2. From what I can see, I don't think West Coast would want him back. He was a great player for the club, but look what he has done to them off field. He has given the whole team a bad reputation, and I don't see why any club would want that to return to the team.

  3. WCE sacked him. He was banned by the AFL for a year. He can come back and play for whoever he wants.

  4. As much as the thought makes you sick,   be prepared to see Benny boy in a Collingwood jumper.

  5. From what I have heard he is back to his old tricks. The person he has been living with has just been extradited to Sydney to face drug charges.

    I think we can say goodbye to Ben

  6. I understand how it must feel... Legally Robbed!!

    If he does play again (theres been NO official signing) its gonna be heart breaking to see him in another teams colours..

    I do firmly beleive though if WC would of intervened earlier and had better knowledge of their players mental and emotional state of affairs, they may still have their golden goose..

    Sorry but thats my personal opinion..

  7. i think he should, he is a great player, and if he did come back, then there would be a behaviour clause in his contract, and its safe to say he would pretty much be drug tested every week. so the afl would leave him no room to stuff up, and if he did then his career would be well and truely over.

  8. Given his age, what value would he be?

    However, Wendell Sailor has just returned to the NRL to play with St George.  I can imagine he wouldn't be on alot of money.

    Maybe Cousins could provide value.  If I were a club CEO, I'd sign him to a one year deal, with compulsory drug tests.

  9. he supposibly has already signed with collingwood about 3 months ago

    someone esle said that he signed with a club in vic 3 months ago so looks like he is set

  10. As a WC supporter, I would love nothing more than to see Ben back playing for us. Unfortunately, I don't think this will be possible. Too much stuff has gone on and too much trust was lost and I don't think that trust can be regained. It would be a shame if he didn't come back, but also understandable if clubs wouldn't be prepared to take the risk. I cannot bare to think of the sanctions that would be imposed on West Coast should they take him back and he reoffends. (Unfortunately, addicts are not cured, they just go into remission.) I wish him nothing but the best for his future and hope that his talent is not lost to Aussie Rules - wherever he is playing. (I'm not sure Collingwood would be the right choice either, unless Mr Didak was not there....)

  11. he spent time at Collingwood with micky malthouse but we always get linked with the best players, they sed judd 2 collingwood brown 2 collingwood so i dont think itll happen...but id sure love it 2

  12. I think most people are so "over" Ben Cousins! Bring in the new young bloods!

  13. I don't think he should ever wear any jumper ever again he is just to d**n cute to cover his body.

    He needs to find the equvilant to an Aussie spice girl and become our very own Becks.

    I never want to see him as anything but an Eagle but I bet he ends up a Magpie.

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