
Does anyone think Gary Glitter is innocent?

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Does the fact that he raped 2 underage girls and paid them to say they consented,so he didn't get put to death say he's guilty?

Does the fact that he viewed pages and pages of child p**n,tell you he is guilty.

Does the prison sentence he served and the s*x register he is now on,tell you he is guilty.

Is Gary Glitter guilty of paedophilia?

I say yes.

Would a poster on here who is defending him,as the poster who just sent me this email :

From: Jee Zeers

Subject: gary glitter

Message: The trouble with you is you believe everything thats said, he said he didnt have s*x with a 11 year old girl, he said the trial was unfair, ever since hes was converted for viewing child p**n people have been sturring it in even more, look what they did to michael jackson.

I just think your an evil nasty person calling people

Now would this poster leave their kids alone with Gary Glitter?




  1. i think boobies boobies boobies

  2. can you prove beyond doubt that hes guilty?


    lol a court of law found the guildford four and the birmingham six guilty.  and barry george

    and your point is?

    does being guilty in 1999 make him guilty of every subsequent charge?  no

  3. No I don't: I am neither naive nor a paedophile myself, therefore I can see the wood for the trees. Anyone foolish enough to think he is either needs their head examining or to step away from the underage children and seek medical help.

    EDIT: User above me, we don't need to, a court of law does, and a court of law did, so, as THC says, he is therefore guilty.

    EDIT: Would you think this was OK? "Like a Grandfather?" Believeable?

  4. He's as guilty as sin and he has shown no remorse whatsoever, in fact quite the opposite. Anyone who thinks he's innocent is deluded.

  5. He's been found guilty in a couple of trials in a couple of countries and yet he still claims he did nothing wrong. That just screams of his guilt and his denial hence his real possibility of reoffending.  

  6. surely there is no sane person out there believe he is innocent,its proven fact,guilty,i think its sick that they can fly out to these havens they call them,i think its degrading disgusting,despicable,i don't agree with any of that,the poor kids caught up in there sick dirty ways,they should be,well we are not allowed to say,the governments need to do more,but its no good driving them to ground,they are evil,and how anyone can email that to you its beyond words,it shows what they are like.they should be ashamed.GUILTY.already PROVED.

  7. I will say one thing in his defence and that is he said he was set up from the start. That I might add is before he went to prison. As for his guilt I really couldn't say, but you don't download child p**n for no reason.

  8. As I said earlier paedophilia is not a crime.  However acting on impulses to harm or endanger a child certainly is.

    There is an important difference in law between our thoughts and our deeds, and I will fight for it to remain so.

    It is argued that viewing Child p**n, although not harming a child directly, does create a market for something that does harm and endanger children.  The equivalent is watching a snuff video, which ought to carry similar penalties.  If it is causing wilful depravity of the mind, then this is similar to taking LSD, and could be considered similar to taking a Class A drug.  If it arouses suspicion that certain fantasies may be acted out, and that children are at risk, then this warrants surveillance.

    He cannot be guilty of paedophilia (which is a state of mind), but he has been found guilty in a Vietnamese court of acting on his impulses with an 11-year-old, and I see no reason why this conviction cannot be validated in England.

    It may be argued that paedophilia, like whatever fuels the psychopaths here, is a mental condition that is a threat to society.  In both cases then, the correct answer to to section the sufferer and let the psychiatrists sort it out.  Neither are crimes though.

    Those suffering from paedophilia if they want to stay on the side of the law and of society need to channel their feelings constructively towards the welfare and well being of children and reserve their sexual frustrations for consenting adults.

    Those suffering from psychopath attacks are well advised to attend anger management classes before they commit an offence.

  9. Yes he was guilty, but he has PAID for his crimes as he has served his sentence. He should not be hounded constantly by the press.

    He should be kept on close supervision from now on yes but everybody is acting like a medieval village mob before an execution.

    There are far worse peodophiles out there who have abused kids over many years.

  10. I think he's mentally ill, and a danger to others - shouldn't he be sectioned?

  11. i think he is guilty of the crimes he has been jailed and punished for

    i think the hysteria relating to paedophiles is out of control, and the newspapers should take responsibility for that, for all of those spouting the usual 'castration' nonsense - dont you think that you are at least validating vigilante actions to break the law?

    i am not for one moment sticking up for the actions of this individual, i am not even fully aware of the extent of his crimes - but as someone mentioned - there are far worse predatory paedophiles out there, i think that the media focus on this guy because he used to be famous and he always struck me as a bit wierd

    also do you place all people who have s*x with underage people in the same category, different circumstances surely call for different treatment - Bill Wyman started a relationship with Mandy Smith when she was 13 years old, but no-one has hung the paedophile sign on him. Roman Polanski could not return to USA for years because he had been convicted of having s*x with a minor and drugs were involved, but he gets nominated for oscars! does the fact that teh girls involved in both these cases stick up for the defendent make any difference, I am not saying it is right, but it is a world away from 'predatory paedophilia' which the newspapers want to force down our throat

  12. If they do. They cant be in their right mind

  13. No I don't he has pleaded guilty before and has been found guilty and it wouldn't suprise me if he had paid the young girls just so he would avoid the death penalty, in those countries money talks and most of the people are poor, he is as guilty as can be dirty dirty old man

  14. The evidence seems overwhelming and a Court of Law judged him guilty. He is now on the s*x Offenders register in this country. I am satisfied based on what I have read here and elsewhere that he is guilty beyond doubt. As far as the person who sent you the e-mail is concerned, his judgement seems based on what Glitter himself said. Strange. I think he is naive, self opinionated and ignorant and comparing it to the Michael Jackson case is totally irrelevant.

  15. The dirty b#stard needs to be given a lobotomy, then castrated and the kids he abused should then be allowed to kill him slowly AND painfully.

  16. One supposes his lawyers must think so, or else they are saying one thing and believing another.

  17. He should be tortured, hung, drawn and quartered.  

  18. There is always chance that he innocent. Only Gary Glitters conscience knows.

  19. Yes.

    Gary Glitter thinks Gary Glitter is innocent.

    Random e-mails.....don´t ya just lurve ´em!

  20. He's been found guilty on more than one occasion, of child abuse related charges in a court of law. Ergo, he is guilty.

  21. Currently Paul Gadd has paid his debt to society. Mob rule is obnoxious.

    I do not condone his previous crimes but neither do I uphold the behaviour of the media.

  22. No I don't and I suddenly feel the need to vomit..

  23. I say yes too.

    But... if we consider him insane then he isn't responsible for his actions, is he ?  He's still downright dangerous to children, though.

  24. I actually asked the same question last weeek and the definate answer is no! He doesnt seem the innocent type to me.

  25. I don't think the man is innocent at all.  In fact, I don't believe there's a place on this planet for paedophiles, they should all be shot.

  26. Why else would an old man who collects kiddie p**n, go to southeast Asia, a part of the world known as a place where one so inclined can pick up some underage nookie?

    I think it's pretty cut and dried... he's done his time, he will have to register, and certainly the tabs will keep an eye on him everywhere...

  27. glitter is a filthy perverted pedo,

    the person that sent you that is one aswell,

    beasts who need to be put down.

    m j ,,, a pedo's a fooking pedo whatever

    way you look at it, you cant cure the

    fookers so shoot them

  28. Very guilty-that's why they imprisoned him!

  29. Of course he isn't innocent he was guilty from the day he downloaded 4,000 images of children doing s*x acts .

    The person who sent you that message seems to be confused about what this site is all about.

    We discuss and answer questions on issues that sometimes aren't nice. It isn't hate mongering its opinions.

    Perhaps if they cant handle others opinions they shouldn't come on here.

  30. No definitly not, he's a dirty ole b****d

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