
Does anyone think Global Warming is an evolutionary change that needs to happen?

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Does anyone think Global Warming is an evolutionary change that needs to happen?




  1. No, I'm not superstitious.

  2. yes definately look at these two articles

  3. It is something that is neither necessary nor unnecessary, as it is something that is NATURAL. The sun goes through cycles, the earth's climate goes through cycles, and, more significantly, human paranoia goes through cycles. It is amazing how much unbiased, steady and unquestionable evidence there is out there that is simply overshadowed by the fear and guilt emanating from the claims of "man-caused global warming". I'd be more than happy to provide some of these resources to you if you're interested.

  4. Yes. It's normal, natural and NECESSARY.

    Gore is a nutcase, a hypocrite and a troublemaker.

    Don't listen to JM.

  5. umm NO! global warming has the potential to wipe out the entire human race

  6. Global warming happens every so often.  Without it we would still be in the ice age.  Global warming this time stopped in 1998.  That's right, satellite global temperature readings covering the entire earth report that the world stopped warming in 1998 and has even cooled somewhat.  Beginning in about 1960 the earth warmed 0.6 degrees C on average.  Since 1989 the temperature has receded 0.6 degrees C.  The whole warming thing was over before AlGore and nutty scientist on the federal dole got involved.  Don't just read the headlines, delve into the subject.  You'll see that this is just a lot of hoopla that is making AlGore even richer and lining the pockets of greedy scientist who are getting federal grants to study a NON-EXISTENT "problem."

  7. The last major evolutionary change in humans was caused by a meteor falling to earth. Global warming has the potential to destroy everything on earth, not make it better!

    Nevertheless, if humans can find a way to survive global warming when it's at it's worst, then that's got to mean we would have evolved in some way - atleast physically. However, I don't think humans would be able to evolve that fast to survive.

  8. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  9. Normal but man is making it happen faster

  10. It's all in your mind.

    If a tree hugger would cut his hair his body temperature would immediately drop 2-3 degrees.

    Long Hair---Hot

    Crew Cut---Cool

  11. Volcano's do spue out a significant amount of CO2. Actually 300 times more than man every year. The entire Environmental Movement is concentrating on this new propaganda line of CO2 as a means of exercising control. This an other means (Gasoline, and Food) have been how they have been manipulating public opinion to believe in their cause.

    The SUN is what warms the earth, and it is in an active state. It has been projected by 2015 cooling will be re-initiated as the cycle is expected to end.

    What really causes global warming is the lack of cloud cover. When the Earth is showered in Solar winds not as many clouds develop allowing the sun to radiate more. However contrary to published opinion the earth's troposphere is not heating up as would occur if carbon was accumulating like Venus.

  12. NO.  Evolution refers to animals evolving to fit particular niches.  Climates change for a variety of reasons.  Those reasons don't include revenge on humans if that is what you are suggesting.

  13. No it is a scam ,and U bought it.   HA HA HA

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