
Does anyone think I may be pregnant?I'm hoping I am?

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I have a very irregular cycle...Sometimes I only get my period 3 or 4 times a year...

My husband & I have been trying to conceive & in May my ObGyn prescribed me w/clomid...I took it from the 19th to 23rd of May and I got my period 27 days later on the 14th of June thanks to the Clomid...I had a bit of blood 12 days later on June 25 & 26 but didn't need a pad...

My June 14 period lasted till the 19th which was 6 days...I took the Clomid again on days 3 to 7 which was the 16th to 20th of June...My husband & I had intercourse on June 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th & 30th & then again on July 06th, 07th, 09th & 10th...

Last week I had a home pregnancy test...It came back negative...My doctor told me to have a blood test coz they're more accurate so I will get the results on Tuesday...I still have no signs of my period but I have alot of Cervical Mucus...Do you think there is a chance I may be pregnant?Has anyone else experienced what I have?Thanks in advance for all your answers..




  1. Well if a home pregnancy test came up negative then I am guessing that means your hormone levels are not that high, but if your doctor wants a blood test he wouldn't have suggested if he didn't think there was a chance you were pregnant.  You are late for your period but have only been trying this stuff since may, I am not sure how long it usually takes!! But even if you aren't pregnant you can always try again, I am sure your husband is enjoying it ;)

    Good luck and fingers crossed if you are not pregnant this time that its next time.

    All the best!

  2. You'll see on Tuesday! I would just delete this question because it could get your hopes up that you are and come Tuesday you might not be.

    Plus, people on here aren't doctors and really can't help you all that much. Some people have probably had your situation and were pregnant, and some have had your situation and were not.

    I'll really hope you are. Goodluck!

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