
Does anyone think Keanu Reeves is g*y or bi?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered about that. There's been lot's of gossip and wishful thinking. What do you think?

Ps.. I asked a question earlier and yet again Yahoo is apparently not going to post it for an hour and a half. So I'll ask it here again:

If The Little Mermaid had been a male, would his name have been The Little Spermaid? Or do you think it would have been something else?

Oh, c**p. I think I might have posted the Mermaid question in the disabilities section by accident. Oops.




  1. I have no idea. He's probably straight.

  2. Ever since I can remember (or saw Speed for the first time lol) I've always heard he was g*y and living with a man.

  3. I don't think Keanu Reeves is g*y or bi or straight.  I just don't believe he has the brain capacity to handle a sexual orientation.  I'm sorry, but he really isn't that bright!  Very cute, though.

    Spermaid is not a good name for a male Little Mermaid!  Spermaid sounds kind of lemonade- I believe that spermaid is a new energy drink.  It puts the spunk back into you.

    PS-  I laughed so hard when you said you put the Spermaid question in the disabilites section!  

  4. He would have been a merman, thus his name sperman, teee heee lol! And no I don't think Keanu is g*y nor bi.

  5. I've never heard anything about Keanu Reeves' sexuality.  Probably just wishful thinking on your part.

    Oh, I love the Little Mermaid!  Ursula was a pig, yes?

  6. he's bi

    he addmitted it

  7. I read an interview in a g*y magazine a few years ago where he said he was straight. A man can dream though.

  8. There are numerous reports out there and who you believe, is all that matters.

    Realistically, my friend's that are in the Ent. Industry have stated he's BI.

    But, does it really matter one's sexual preference?

  9. I heard some rumour he was bi

    probably false though

    we can dream though

  10. I've always wished he were g*y because he is so freaking beautiful and hott.

    However, my gaydar does not ping with him.

    I think he is straight.

  11. he has a girlfriend so its jst wishful thinking

  12. I think keanu might be bi but i really dont know..

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