
Does anyone think McCain's tough guy act would lead us straight to war?

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He's a hot head and has a bad temper. His fellow senators have said it publicly. Do you think he'll puff up to someone like Russia, iran or N. Korea and start WWlll. They also have nuclear weapons.




  1. more like straight to h**l like we have been for the last 8 years'''''

  2. We have to have someone with a backbone in the office.  

  3. I heard he had something like 20 hours of actual combat experience...

    I am amazed that his bluster is seen as backbone, instead of what it really is, pointless posturing by an old man trying to convince himself he's a real tough guy.  

    Instead, he is a stammering, irrelevant geezer with the attention span of a moth.

    And a very questionable claim to "war hero" status.  

  4. Well, appearances can be deceiving maybe.  I think, if his wins, he will have a good group of advisors around him.  This is a complete necessity.  He is too old and senile to go it alone.

    Obama is toxic for America as far as I am concerned.  I am a Dem and I support Hillary.

  5. Yes. McCain is crazy. He called his wife the you ever call your significant other something so vile no matter what type of day you're having?

  6. No, I don't.  After what he went through as a POW, I think he knows first hand how brutal war would be and will only lead us to war if there are no other alternatives.

  7. Obama said let's talk. Putin laughed.

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