
Does anyone think Miguel Cotto is primed for a loss?

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I have seen Miguel Cotto wobbled badly several times.I think the next big puncher he faces with any skills at all could defeat him.Torres just wasnt good enough to finish the job.




  1. Well, things like this happen. Cotto is getting smarter about defence, and it is great that he won't face Mayweather this year..So maybe he might not lose hiss 0 yet or ever.Go ahead and believe Cotto is being ducked by Mayweather, but Mayweather is a great boxer with great speed and defence. Mayweather is no doubt one of the best of today and I believe this fight[if it were to happen. wished arum would just pay him so mayweather wouldnt have a grudge and fight cotto!] might be another Ali vs. Foreman fight though.

  2. Torres also had like 4 days notice or something like

    I think cotto has a soft chin, but hes a BIG guy.  I respect how he fought vs. Mosley but after the 9th round or so he ran out of steam and just stood there.

    What is going for him is his size and strength.  His chin, quality of opposition and stamina however I would question.

  3. Old school boxers have more longevity than most...and Cotto is definitely old school.

    He believes in combination punching, he believes in head movement from round one to round twelve. He believes in circling and punching off of angles. He works those combinations and hits MOST of his punches.

    Most boxers nowadays are relying on modern "exercise science" to get them to be physical phenoms..but without the skill.

    But fight by can see Cotto jump in skill by leaps and bounds. Each fight that he has, he narrows his lack of skills with Floyd Mayweather. In a year, Id say they are going to be reasonably even. Floyd is sitting back fighting older boxers (DelaHoya) and smaller blowups (Hatton) that have no chance against his style.

    If you had asked me a year ago, I would say Cotto doesnt have a chance in h**l against Mayweather. But Mayweather is doing the Roy Jones, he is letting his skill deteriorate by facing sub par competition.

    Cotto is, and Im sorry....Cotto is taking the harder fights. More importantly he is winning them. Cotto offers alot Floyd hasnt had to face. Floyd has NEVER fought a combination puncher that can throw a five punch combo and have all of them land. Floyd is used to avoiding one or two at a time. Floyd also usually picks stand up fighters..not boxer/fighters that can offer head movement or reasonably good foot movement.

    If anyone is starting to look primed for a may be Floyd...and honestly...perhaps by a knockout. Maybe he should spend less time worrying about wrestling.

  4. One thing I can say about Cotto, he has got a little bit better. He listen to his camp and started using his jab. There are some things about Cotto, that's going to get him in trouble. Yes, he's got rocked, but those guy's couldn't finish him. The problem with brawlers, they think there power makes up for defense. In Cotto last fight, he just sat there, embrace the punch, didn't move his head and not good at using the ring to his advantage. He started runing around the 9th round. because lat of Stamina. Mosley rock Cotto but was stoped because of water on the mat. I think Cintron will give him a problem, if he can out box Cotto and thats not hard to do. Brawlers lose to good leg movement, effective jab and some dam good flush punches. Pop shots, counter punching, double up on the jab, follow by your the power hand if safe. Move around, dont stay stationary, Good stamina. Flush punches when he's not exspecting it. Try to stay off the ropes but if you get on them, tie him up to get off. While making him move his legs, hit him off balance and get out of there are tie him up again. While chasing you, he cant get back to defense quickly if you was to throw a punch. Only Mayweather I sean do all of this. That's call smarts.

  5. I really don't know if he's ready for a loss but I know that he is a different fighter at 147 then he was at 140. Judah hit him with some monster shots and he just shrugged them off. His Body punching is really serious and he also has some underated boxing skills.

  6. I think Cotto's style is beatable, and any undefeated fighter that only fights top competition is in a tough position.

    I'm starting to come around with Cotto though, he looks like just another pressure fighter who will get schooled by a slick boxer - but he is more skillful than most, he has shown he can deal with top echelon speed (Judah and Mosely), he can deal with being hit.  I think his style is decieving, it has more to do with angles and slight head movement than it appears.  Next to Floyd I think he is the top guy out there.

  7. I think Cotto,s weak chin came from struggling to make 140 lbs, Cotto does not look so fragile at 147 lbs,i think his body is better suited to welter weight, but i still thought Shane Mosley could have got the decision against Cotto, the worst a draw... i would pick Mayweather over Cotto any day of the week

  8. He was primed for a loss & that was to Shane Mosley.  I thought Shane won that fight.   However if he ever fights Floyd Mayweather Jr not only will he lose but it will be in embarrasing fashion like  Mayweather did Hatton.

  9. Shane Mosley is the strongest and fastest fighter Cotto has faced.. And he wasn't hurt by him. Shane Mosley KO'd guys at 154 lbs while Torres KO'd guys at 140... Cotto gets better after every fight and if he keeps his hands high and moves around like he did with Mosley, his "weak" chin wont be a problem for much longer

  10. I won't go as far as to say he is primed for a loss, but you are right, when he gets tagged, he wobbles, but who don't the best can be knocked out if they get hit flush.  I must admit you are correct, Cotto does have a questionable chin, and eventually he is going to get nailed.  Torres certainly showed some of Cotto's weaknesses and as Miguel ages, he will take more not less punches.  Eventually, if they fight long enough everyone gets beat.  Cotto is no different, someone will come along and take him unless he follows in the rare path of retiring while he is still on top.

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