
Does anyone think Queen Elizabeth II is hot? Was She ever?

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What else does she have to do all day?

Helen Mirren played her in that movie last year.

She's always quiet, like a librarian and stuff.




  1. Queen Elizabeth II has always been a beautiful woman. The first time I saw her in 1960 as a child on my first day of school I fell in a crush for her. Her portrait was hanging on the wall at the front above the clock and I thought she was more beautiful than my mother.

    She has always been regal, always been Royal, always shown a great deal of wisdom.

    Since she had been crowned the Prime Ministers of England have reported to her once a week with privy information. This information contained the workings of the Empire as well as political information of other nations worldwide that was pertinent to the kingdom. She had secret information about Presidents and Kings, Queens and Prime Ministers, despots and tyrannical rulers. She knew of President Kennedy's philandering long before it was common knowledge amongst the general public. She knew secrets of governments through England's own spy sources and rings world wide. Every week she is given specific information by the government, and the agencies of the government.

    Right now the woman is the most politically astute leader than anyone I know of.

    Bush and Cheney, and all their ilk would murder their own blood for a tenth of what that woman knows!!!

    The Queen is more than just grist for the media's tabloids, she is a Queen to be reckoned with. She has a lot more power than people believe or give her credit for.

    She wields her power wisely. She does far more than just being a "head of state".

  2. "She's always quiet, like a librarian and stuff."

    What would you have her do - cartwheels down the Mall?

    She has over 400 'public engagements' a year - those are everything from opening hospitals, christening ships, to attending state functions. During the day, she reads 'the boxes' those are the red leather cases sent to her by every ministry in Britain containing all the confidential matters. She consults with the Prime Minister and Archbishop of Canterbury. She handles correspondence from subjects who feel they have a beef with government. She monitors charities of which she is patron, and she oversees regiments of which she is colonel-in-chief.

    On top of this she oversees the royal collections - those include the historic royal palaces, the art, jewellery, antiques, libraries. Then she has her own two estates - Balmoral and Sandringham and her horse stud - to oversee.

    She doesn't lay about. And she's now 80 years old!

    As for looks, both her and Princess Margaret were knock-outs when they were younger. Far prettier than Diana.

  3. Does anyone think Queen Elizabeth II is hot? Was She ever?:P

    Truly i never met her so can't comment.:D

  4. From photos I have seen of The Queen and her sister, Margaret they were nice looking when they were younger.  Hot would never describe either one of them, but at least they were acceptable.  My opinion, Margaret was the better looking.  The Queen does live a very quiet life and that's all that's expected of her.

  5. Old Dog beat me to it. Just look at some of her pictures when she was a teenager and her early 20's She was very pretty.

  6. Knees too pointy, would not hit it.

  7. She isn't and never was hot!However,she is a step up from Camilla.I think everybody is a step up from Camilla.What an ugly broad.

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