
Does anyone think Tony Romo is a Point Shaver?

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Does anyone think Tony Romo is a Point Shaver?




  1. what is  point shaver?

  2. Point shaver- no.  Overrated- yes

  3. I think he shaves Owen's ***.  

  4. Yeah.. because he REALLY needs the money bad. LOL.

    Thats *sarcasim* for all you idiots out there..

  5. no! romo might be a homo! but is no point shaver!

  6. dont know i would think he more like a chest / arm / leg shaver

  7. Leave my QUARTERBACK ALONE ! ! !

  8. Je ne pense pas

  9. Wow this is horrible this man has been ridicule in every direction and about everything under the sun. Being a choker, loser having a girlfriend, playing golf, will never win a Superbowl. He's a homo on and on. Now is he a point shaver I believe Romo is a nice and honest guy. And no matter whose team he played on I would say the same. I find no need to tear any player or person down just because. He does not get into off the field trouble minds his own business and try to enjoy his life like all of us. He's not a gambler so not in debt to the mafia has plenty of money, he does not need to shave points. I think the majority of people would agree we leave that up to the refs. It does not hurt to give this young guy a break he has not hurt anyone. And when he did it was his own fans that understand he is a rookie and still love him. He has made the haters happy in his losing so why pick on him. No I would not say that about any quarterback, none of them no matter how much I might disliked one of them.. Without concrete proof I think that's taking football trash talk to far..

  10. Not likely. Too risky.

    He would be hunted down and murdered by Cowboys fans if he was ever discovered t/b point shaving.

  11. no he's getting paid big bucks i dont think he would mess that up

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