
Does anyone think Usain Bolt might be guilty of taking some kind of performance enhancing substance? ?

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I heard that last year he couldn't even break 10 for the 100.




  1. Absolutely Not :|

    It's Working Harder, Motivation & Perseverance

    I'm Sure If Lightning Was Reading This Now He'd Be Quite Flattered

  2. Good grief, why does everybody think like this?  As soon as someone makes an outstanding athletic accomplishment, we start to suspect they only could do this using illegal performance enhancing drugs!

    We take remarkable accomplishments like those of Lance Armstrong, who endured chemotherapy to win multiple Tour le Frances, and respond by claiming he must be cheating, or the chemo must have enhanced his performance.  How many times do we have to poke him with needles and get nothing but negative results from drug testing before we are convinced he is clean?

    Michael Jordan wasn't even a starter on his high school basketball team.  Do we now leap to the conclusion illegal drugs propelled him to greatness?

    Please, if we're actively testing for performance enhancers, do you really think Usain Bolt will be overlooked somehow?

    Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?  Until he is, shut up and respect his amazing accomplishments!

  3. At some extent yes I do.  There are steroids out there that just increase your speed and stamina, while not making you big or buff at all.  But all that aside, he is an INCREDIBLE athlete if not on steroids.  Time will only tell if he's taking anything.

  4. There are no drugs in Jamaica!

  5. defiantly

    Jamaica's and China policy: cheat at all cost to win, no morals.

  6. He never ran the 100m last year silly. The only performance enhancing substance Usain takes is organically grown Jamaican foods - Yam, banana, cassava etc.

    What u need to do is research Usain Bolts records since he broke all the records in the world junior champs in 2002

    If you are a thinking person then you will realize that its not all about Usain. Look at the rest of the Caribbean athletes...they are all excelling now that a significant number of drug cheats have been banned. Just imagine .... if Justin Gatlin wasn't caught Usain would be running second fiddle now.

  7. I hope not.   I'd like to think everyone was clean this year.  

  8. no, it is impossible for him to cheat. Just because he is good, does not mean he is cheating. He probably just improved from last year. Usain bolt was probably testing of steroids 100 times, just like michael phelps.

  9. He has been amazing since 2002 when he broke the world record in the 100 m at the junior World Championships, he has also been tested many times. Also Jamaica has a great reputation for being a very clean country when it comes to performance enhancing drugs.

  10. no, people are just mad cause he just blew away the competition and made it look easy, so they think he gotta be using drugs

  11. He simply has natural talent and is bery cocky lol

  12. no i think he is just amazing. they would have told us already if he was. black people are really good sprinters. not to be racist. but, you never know. im sure they will conduct some thing on him eventually.  

  13. Do you think Michael Jackson's had more than one plastic surgery? The guy is clearly juiced. He's probably on some serious stimulants too.  

  14. Definitely not

    America's policy: if in doubt, play the cheat card

  15. Yams.

  16. jackie chan ^^^

    does not know what steroid can do

  17. rumours......he didnt even start doing 100 until recently plus the only drug problem ammong jamaicans is marrijuana and dat makes u fly not run

  18. The thought crossed my mind

  19. Don't be a hater! No Jamaican has ever been caught doping!

    The simple fact is: now that the dopers have been weeded out, the true champions are now able to shine!


    edit: BTW jamaicans got tested the MOST

  21. I was wondering the same thing myself. I hope he is on the level since his surroundings (read: China, aka. cheating, deceptive, lying bast***s) are steeped in deception.

    An aside to Reggae: Don't be a jerk. You can disagree without being disagreeable.

  22. Possibly

    Foreigners policy: when your coutnry sucks at the Olympics, whine and cry about Americans.

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