
Does anyone think airsoft will ever be more popular than paintball?

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I hear it's spreading...




  1. It is gaining popularity, but paintball is just too widespread and well-known.

  2. Airsoft probably is more popular than paintball, just not in your location. In pretty much everywhere but North America, airsoft is more popular than paintball (paintball originated in North America, so this makes sense). In Europe and Asia, paintball is almost unheard of while airsoft is extremely popular. I think due to velocity limits, paintball might actually be illegal in Japan, unless you can mod a paintball gun to fire lower than 280 feet per second.

    As for airsoft spreading, I think it will. Being in the US and being an airsofter, my crew and I are finding more people that play airsoft around us all the time. I didn't even hear of it until a few years ago.

    I think the reason may be the drop in airsoft prices. Before, it was either a choice of getting a terrible piece of garbage gun or a $300+ high end gun. With the emergence of "clones" (hybrids that combine high-quality and a $95-200 price tag), people in North America don't need to shell out top dollar to start playing anymore.

    Even with the popularization of airsoft, paintball won't die. I think it may coexist as a more spectator friendly sport, much like the speedball sometimes on TV. This may be jumping the gun a little bit, but I think a lot of woodsballers and especially scenarioballers will end up playing airsoft for it's convenience and authenticity.

  3. it hasn't spread over here yet b/c I haven't ever heard of it. What is airsoft. Paintball is great!

  4. Never. Paintball is way more fun and open to more people.

  5. no cuz paintball will always be so much better.

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