
Does anyone think aliens can inhabit human bodies?

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Does anyone think aliens can inhabit human bodies?




  1. I hope not, that would be kind of strange and weird.

  2. what!!??? you cant be serious! ppl havent even discover aliens for sure...i think they may be out there but that is a little far fetched!!

  3. no not inhabit, no one can. but they can look like us. they are here with us.  

  4. Depends on how their bodies work.Take as an  example the Animorphs series.The yeerks were able to slither into the brain and take control...

    We just don't know.

  5. Possibly, but they may have difficulty:

    High Commander: Everyone fully formed?

    Others: Uh, yeah. Um-hmm.

    High Commander: Everyone have ten fingers. eleven toes?

    Others: Check.

    High Commander: Good, I guess we're in. Can anyone get your head to swivel to the rear?

    Others: No.

    High Commander: Then how are you supposed to l**k your back?

    (Third Rock from the Sun)

  6. Currently, there is no way to say - but I know there are people who act alien (i.e. Westboro Baptist Church).

  7. AHHHH! i hope not  :|

    that would be scary :O

    just having ppl walk around, and you think there ppl, BUT there not :|


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