
Does anyone think global warming is a excuse for more tax?

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Your reasons for or against would be appreciated....




  1. It is all about taxing. Those, without, talk about the rich being greedy, but the "poor" have no problem stealing in the name of fairness. Greed is greed, whether from a rich person or a poor person.

  2. No. I think talking about taxes is what people do when they don't like what the science says.

  3. Global warming is another form of socialism where the goal is to have man live in a time from the past.

    Raising taxes accomplishes this goal by preventing man to advance his knowledge.

  4. Bush used to try to sell that idea, but even he has come around.  I can't think offhand of anyone of any consequence who thinks such a thing.  If you aren't sure yourself, invest 50 bucks in a short wave radio and learn what is going on in the world.

  5. More tax on what?   Maybe making fossil fuel companies give up their tens of billions in tax breaks they get every year and pay what every other company does?   That would be horrible to level the playing field wouldn't it?    More tax at the gas pump?   Over a hundred thousand people die each year in the US from pollution related problems, and the government picks up much of the tab for this.    Maybe the people causing some of the pollution should pay for the damage they are doing?

  6. why not make it voluntary.  the person above said she would pay more.  so on the taxes you could have a blank.  where you write in the amount you would like to pay.

    then the liberals could pay lots of tax.  like they want.  and others don't need to.

  7. Bush has "come around" because he is exhausted from fighting all the time and has given up.  He is more interested in protecting his legacy than doing the smart or right thing.

    But yes, it is about taxing us, redistributing wealth, and controlling our lives.

  8. Not necessarily more tax, just who or what organizations are taxed as well allocation of the monies already taxed is spent on.

  9. Global warming is real, much of it is as a result of us, it will be a major problem for the world and yes, it is being used as an excuse for more tax.

    Any solution to global warming must be international to have any real effect.  Here in the UK, nothing we could do as a nation would make any significant difference.  And yet the "green" taxes continue.

  10. Of course it is. The tree huggers need an idiot labour leader to feed them. G B is ideal.

  11. we in uk are paying less 'green tax' now than 5 years ago, and our prime minister used to be the treasurer, so , if it was, its not being taken advantage of.... i would gladly pay more.

  12. Yes...They had more then ample time to address the issues. All the while, with a ever increasing tax base, but no real change. It will continue with higher tax's and no implementation. The endless government bureaucratized cycle. What is so bad we pay these people to s***w us.

  13. Of course it is. Who do you think politicians are going to go after in the name of global warming?


    So let me get this straight: Politicians limit oil companies from drilling. As the worlds energy demand increases because of China & India, oil companies get blamed for rising oil prices and then politician take some of their extreme profits that they are making because of the politicians stupid energy policies.

  14. Look at the oil Co. their profits is off the chart . It is criminal the way they have scammed US.

  15. Listen up all of you right wing evangelicals in disguise. If you had actually attended a real school instead of being home schooled on that evangelical BS, you would have the answers to all of your questions already. You see, you can pray all you want but the only thing that is gonna solve problems in this world is science and technology. So just let the overwhelming majority of scientists that agree that anthropogenic global warming is real solve the problem and you stop confusing the issue by believing right wing driven, jesus-camp sponsored groups like the Heartland Institute. Go back to reading your bible and being ignorant and let the real people (AKA, scientists) solve the problem. I can guarantee you, scientists will solve the problem faster than your "god" who is just about as real as ceiling cat, the flying-spaghetti monster and the invisible pink unicorn deity.

  16. For some it is.  There are a number of different reasons why people are activist against global warming.  Some - a small minority - actually believe this is a problem that needs to be solved now.  But most are simply using it as a tool to advance some other agenda.  You can tell them by the following characteristics:

    1) A frantic sense of urgency with exaggerated or completely fabricated consequences of inaction

    2) Recommended programs that involve mandatory social engineering, taxation or wealth redistribution that have little if anything to do with addressing global warming or its consequences

    3) The use of political tools such as propaganda, demonization of opponents and governmental force.

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