
Does anyone think humans don't control our own minds?

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what if our mind wasn't our mind at all? I think there are invisible parasites controlling everyone. (even me.)




  1. I'm sure there are!

  2. sometimes.... but i hope i'm wrong because that would be SO scary

  3. Sometimes it seems as if my mind has a mind of its own. (But that's usually when I'm tempted to do something I think it's just my "conscience" reminding me of my moral compass.)

  4. In a way, you can think of the human mind as a black box with which input is received(stimulus) and output is generated(our actions). Whether or not it is our actual free will determining those actions, or if it is simply a chain reaction caused by the stimulus, I cannot say. All I can say is it is very difficult to conceptualize the human mind at such a level.

    Someone wise once said, "To understand our minds, we would have to have a mind 100 times as complex, but then our minds would be so complex, that we wouldn't be able to understand them", or something along those lines.

    Basically, I feel that we will never know the answer to this and many other questions about the human mind and body. Although it is a very interesting topic.

  5. I think we do to a point.  We think the way we do by the experiences in life.  If we had negative experiences, chances are we think negatively.  If we had positive experiences, chances are we think positively.  The way we think is a combination of nature and nurture.  We change the way we think overtime; but we are also born with a set personality.

    Cheers!  (Hope I didn't confuse you.)    

  6. No, but there is more genetic determinism for behaviour than most people think

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