
Does anyone think if i like jump out of a plane without a parachute like 1000 feet in the air

by  |  earlier

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would that be cool




  1. TOTALLY man that wud be rockin totally radical dude..... NOT... r u serious think about it..... a 20 foot drop cud kill u duh

  2. yahh!!! try it.

  3. Go for it, dude.  And please let me take out a life insurance policy on you before you jump.

  4. As long as you pull out before coming to the ground you will be fine

  5. lol probably would be fun for those last minutes you would have but its just  as fun with a parachute most likely. im not gonna hear about someone jumping out of a plan committing suicide am i? lol

  6. yes that would be awesome sadly you would die  

  7. Yes, but you must be prepared for the jump before your initial attempt; work out constantly so you look duper-buff, then purchase several explosive devices (ie. rocket launcher, grenades, etc.) and fire them at random locations on the way down. Make a cape out of human skin and pop some acid beforehand so your fall is trippy as hell— with luck you'll be the next Mr. Rogers.

  8. nope it would be SCARY because you dont have a parachute!

  9. yeah, try it you tool.  make sure to try to land on your head.

  10. Yes. People have been know to land safely when both there parachutes fail and land without breaking a bone. Parachuters train by jumping off the tops of telephone poles and roll when they land. The problem occurs with whose plane you were planning to jump out of. A licensed parachuting company would not allow you to jump because of liability. You could however jump out and take off your parachute while free falling. Hope this helps you make a good conscious decision. Have fun.

  11. You will be COOL, The morgue keeps bodies in the refrigerator.How could you think of such fool thing to do.  

  12. do you always land on your feet

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