
Does anyone think if it would be better to have school at home?

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If each state would buy a computer for each grade person in the family to teach them at home. A central location for a professor to give classes from his main computer to all certain grade computers at each persons homes. per grade. save on taxes,gas, busing, and schools. to turn in homework by faxing, tests by faxing. delete schools, but keeping sports areas and expanding them. when finished with grade turn in your computer. computer only for schooling (can be programed and libraries) lower taxes. only buses for sports and audience.




  1. In some ways, perhaps.

    Imagine this:  Thousands of teachers out of work... standing in food lines.

    Thousands of children home alone all day because both parents work, only the computer to care for the children.  

    Houses burning down because six year old children were trying to cook lunch.

    There would be a lot of details to work out.

  2. No, I don't think that type of scenario would be all-round beneficial. Lots of problems with it:

    1) Many people would find it hard to learn that way or would simply hate it.

    2) Just because there's some teacher through a computer screen doesn't fulfill some people's needs for actual interaction.

    3) It would require every family to have a stay-at-home parent--this is not only not feasible, it's not desirable in many cases. Why isn't it feasible? Many people can't afford to have one parent stay home. Sure, you might be saving on taxes that way, but you're making a whole lot less money! How is that going to help the family who would much prefer to send their child to school.

    I much prefer the choices we have now: public, private, charter, homeschooling, online schooling, etc.  Those who want to have online school as you suggest can already do it. It would be horrible to force everybody to school the way you suggest.

  3. Yes because there would be less bullying and peer pressure but no because it won't teach children how to be around people and how to interact or what a work enviroment is really like.

  4. Public schools will only support their own agenda, and where they can't supervise you- not about to happen.

  5. yes and no  yes because less peer pressure and no because they will need to develop social skills and be involved in activities. but i think it will work out if you have the person home schooled and at the same time have them in some kind of activity center like learning to play an instrument or sport to build up social skills.

  6. In some ways yes, in others, no.

    Some students learn well in this manner, while others need an in-person teacher and the structure of a classroom.  I personally would have loved to learn this way (it wasn't available when I was in school) and my son learns well on his own, but a lot of kids don't.

    Also, the problems that are currently inherent in public schooling would still exist, they'd just be a lot more spread out.  A curriculum that works for every single student does not exist, and a computer would give each teacher even less of a chance to work with a child who just doesn't "get it".  Some kids need to see, hear, or do in order to learn, and a computer can only meet so many of those needs.  A teacher would still need to try to reach every single child, but they wouldn't have the face-to-face contact to work with....and for the parents that have already released their child to be raised by the school system - as if teachers didn't have enough to do - those same parents would now be releasing their child to be raised by a computer with online contact.  Not a good thing.

    I think that it's a good concept in theory, but it wouldn't work well as an only choice.  I definitely think it should be available, though, for all kids to have the option.  Oh, that it were a perfect world.  :)

    Edit - you know Thrice Blessed was being facetious about the whole teachers getting laid off thing, right?

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