
Does anyone think it's interesting that the Obama campaign couldn't contain the "Biden leak" and ....?

by Guest58395  |  earlier

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We are looking for someone who can handle top-level and high security info. The campaign was acting like revealing the VP candidate by text was going to be this great "surprise" or "event" but hours before they sent out that text - we already knew it would be BIden.

Does this really demonstrate the ability to stay on top of top-secret stuff? His advisers should have been able to keep this a better secret and if Obama couldn't surround himself with better advisers/staff in his effort to get to the White House - can we really expect him to do better once he's there?

(paparazzi, press, photographers, gossip - it's ALWAYS going to be there so don't even try to use that as an excuse - his staff should be smart enough to know how to navigate that mess because when issues of national security come up, you can't have any loose ends)




  1. Really...really?

    I'm not surprised at all that it was leaked.  

    It was easy to narrow down who was qualified and who would work best with Sen Obama. I think Biden is a great choice and I hope to see an Obama/Biden white house.

    This was not top secrect, and has nothing to do with "top secret".  This was for the press and the postive coverage.

  2. Thats a new one. Hes not fit to be President because someone leaked his VP pick.

  3. There was no "Biden leak."  Biden was certainly considered to be one of the front-runners, along with Evan Bayh and Tim Kaine, probably even the likely choice, but right up until the announcement was made it was still uncertain.  There was even speculation that it might still be Hillary.  "We" didn't already know that it would be Biden.  I figured it was going to be Biden, but I didn't "know" this, and neither did you.  In fact most of the commentary stressed how close to the vest Obama was playing this.

    Look, there are several things to be critical of Obama about, such as his vote on the FISA amendment, but his handling of his vice-presidential pick isn't one of them.

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