
Does anyone think it is strange that as soon as Ivins kills himself, the FBI announces that he is guilty

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and acted alone? Now I am not generally a conspiracy theorist, but this does seem a bit too tidy. They have been investigating these anthrax attacks for more than six years, and all of a sudden the case is closed as soon as this guy has killed himself.




  1. Sorry, I'm not going through another "conspiracy theory" about another individual in the eye of the government. It serves no purpose for me to clutter up my brain with things I can't control or prove. Next we'll be asking if Elvis is still alive? Oops, wait, we already did that.  

  2. What was formerly the politically sacred FBI has been used by recent presidents for rather odd chores. Ruby Ridge was about a simple missed court date over a taxation issue. Dead bodies, no punishment.

    Waco Branch Davidians, again over a taxation issue, the FBI got involved and people died. Lots!

    Too many questionable events, too many bushes and Arkansans.

  3. You thought so too, huh?  In my opinion, this is most likely a quick do with staged results to maybe boost GWB's ratings before he leaves office.  I'll bet GW will definately have a press conference about it so that it looks like he pushed the issue to get it through.  

    I'll also wager that Bush will announce Bin Laden is dead (whether he is or isn't) sometime before the November elections.  

    Watch and see.

  4. I'm beginning to expect it now.  I'm thinking it's not really suicide. "We have ways..."

  5. Not really.  When he was alive they would say he was a supect (as they did) but wouldn't announce that he was guilty until after the trial.  If he was the dude, what you expect them to say then and now?

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