
Does anyone think it will be possible that 1 day while I'm still young I'll have enough money to go to Paris?

by Guest59238  |  earlier

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I am 16 yrs old and I really wanna go to Paris. The only problem is that my family cannot afford it. I wish I could win the lottery or something. I luv Paris!! But it's so expensive. It would be great if I could just stick my hand in my pocket and find money everytime. lol




  1. I hope you find the money!  Paris is one of the greatest cities to visit.  Save up and it will happen!  All the best!  tf

  2. Brendaliz;

    There are ways to travel which don't cost as much as standard methods.  I don't know the specifics... this is based on info provided me by traveler/acquaintances I've met over the years...maybe someone will read this and fill you in the rest of the way...

    If you have time to wait, you can go to the airport and wait for a flight that isn't completely booked.  The airlines will often sell those seats at a substantial discount just prior to take-off.  You can look into courier services (you bring a package to paris - or wherever - and, usually, pick one up and bring it back).

    I've also heard of having to take connecting flights when they're really cheap.  Again, that's the last-minute thing where the airline just wants to fill the seats.  If it's peak travelling time, that moment might not ever arrive...

    Once there, you can find cheap lodging in youth hostels and such.  I'm sure there are travel forums and other venues where seasoned travellers share their expertise in this area.

    Good luck!

    You'll get there eventually, I'm sure.


  3. get a job

  4. Actually, Paris is the most affordable western European capital to visit.

    While it is possible to spend vast amounts of money there its also possible to have a great time for very little.

    Travel with a friend and your share of a double at the Hotel Tiquetonne, a centrally located hotel, will be only 25 euros a night.

    If you're a student and can prove it ( you need a Carte Internationale d’Etudiant) then you can buy meal tickets to eat at the 16 student dining halls and cafeterias run by CROUS ( the Parisian Students organization) where you can get a full meal for as little as 2.60 Euros.

    Go in the off season and watch the airfares like a hawk and pounce on bragain fares when they pop up.

    You can do it for an amount which may be considerably less than you thought.

  5. Open a bank account and save.Don't take any money out till you have enough for Paris. If you want it bad enough, you can do it.

  6. OK, so you need to figure out what you want to see. Louvre... heard the lines are ridiculous there.

    Study abroad. You can get college credit and live there, so you can learn the language and immerse yourself in the culture. A lot of people get to see other countries that way.

    Go with people your age... see how much tour groups are.

    Hostels and backpacking is the cheapest way to go, but it's better to find people who have gone before.

    Go off season so the plane tickets are cheaper.

    Some people go overseas every year and it isn't expensive, but they cut a lot of corners in order to do it. I would look into a short term stay somewhere, but not just you alone. Do travel with someone else unless you have it set up to meet up with someone there. I wouldn't do that at 16, but at 18 I don't see why not.

    If you can save up 1500 dollars in the next 2 years and have some extra left over, you'll be able to go. Just remember to have a passport, travelers checks, and a credit card.

    Using the internet, but message boards and not chat rooms, finding like-minded people into the same things you're into. Odds are usually better in meeting up with people your age that are going to be ok and not the people trying to lure you. Be esp. wary of people offering to buy you a plane ticket. Nothing's for free.

    Hey, I could've gone with.. "she's in LA jail".

  7. The above answers are absolutely correct !!

    Just find ways to earn money and save it up.

    Millions of young people from all over the world go to places like Paris every day of every year, and I can assure you that very few of them got there by winning lottery or having magic pockets.

    Bon Voyage !! :)

  8. you can do anyting you set your mind to or  be anything you want. if you have determination you can do it. it will be hard work but thats what life is. keep your education going. at 16 you can get a weekend job. put ALL that money away while you can. don't move out when you turn 18. stay with parents go to college work thru out the weekends and save. stay off drugs and don't let boys influence your decisions.

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