
Does anyone think our failing economy is kinda a good thing?

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i think it kinda is becuz it encourages us greedy americans to buy less thus polluting less thus slowing global warming thus killing less animals and using less of our natural recourses.

some of us hav so much we inflate to like 500 pounds!!

and i think its time for americans to start being happy for what they hav and respecting the environment and planet in which we live.

its the way our planet balances out things, the balance between man and nature, rainforests and cities, people and animals.

we cant hav it all, anyone agree?




  1. Don't expect any significant lessons learned.  We Americans won't change our hedonistic lifestyle until our society has collapsed completely.

  2. Kind of. Sort Of. Maybe. Maybe Not...

    Americans are part of a world that is all consuming lots of resources. Developing countries are consuming resources.

    There needs to be global population control.

    Americans definitely can do better as far as cutting down expenses. I deal with people with financial problems. Many of these people still have cable and other discretionary items but use a food bank.  Does that make sense?  If you can't afford food then wouldn't you try to cut out cable etc..

    But, economic failure is not a good thing.  Because people are still going to need the same amount of money plus some to survive with increasing prices.  (i.e. your house is going to require X amount of gallons per oil to heat the home in the winter regarldess of the price of oil).  Maybe people don't have the money to buy a Hybrid car.  I would buy one but I can't afford a car payment on my income. My job was outsourced several years ago and the replacement job pays significantly less.   So, you can only spend what you have.

    Rather than wanting the economy to fail, what would be better is if Americans cut back on discretionary items and either applied to savings to credit card debt, mortgages, or put it in a 401k.

  3. ...sure...

  4. No, its a terrible thing in my opinion.

    People should want to save money and buy less without the economy failing.

    I agree that we cannot have it all, but having our economy collapse is not helping anything one bit...

  5. Yes, American people are today in their own today and to survive they need to grow up. They do not have more a government that offer protection and security. They do not have a father and mother as government. They need to think in an independent and logical perspective in order to have a stable job that allow them to satisfy their basic needs. They need to think very carefully how to expend their money. They can not believe more in the media lies about nine eleven, about the reason to invade Iraq and other lies. They can not deny more that human being actions have nothing to do with global weather changing. They can not deny more that cancer and autism is linked with chemical pollution.

  6. uh no

  7. Even though it does hurt I think that the high gas prices are a necessity to force other solutions.  I say this as eventually the oil will be more difficult to drill for.  Alternative solutions now will help us and nature in the long run.  I do not hate America; but I do dislike how greedy companies can be and of course some individuals as well; not to mention the wastefulness of our government.

  8. What's with the trend to hate America? You shouldn't hastily generalize an entire nation. It doesn't sound intelligent, and is not true. You should try elevating your standards, and seeking reality instead of self loating disrespect. I find it offensive. I am American and don't consider myself greedy. Greedy is such a subjective word anyhow.

  9. The modern environmental movement is actually responsible for high gas prices. The link below is to a government accountability office report titled :"Special Gasoline Blends Reduce Emissions and Improve Air Quality, but Complicate Supply and Contribute to Higher Prices".

    Besides... global warming is a theory that too many people rely on that may even not be true. There is so much evidence missing that makes it only way to likely that we may not even be experiencing global warming at all.

    1. we don't have enough of a record to prove global warming may be occuring.

    2. the sun goes through eleven year cycles where it emits more heat than others (sun spot cycle)

    3. there are lots of natural sources of green house emissions; geysers, volcanoes, ocean, etc.

    4. we are just coming out of an ice age; the "little ice age" of the early 1900s.

    5. a lot of the indicators that measure temperature are near questionable places

    We cannot say with reasonable certainty that humans are the reason behind the recent spike in global temperature.

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