
Does anyone think that BB's Rachel is very sleekit........?

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She so much wants to win and the spontaneous evictions, almost choked her going by her facial expressions. Is that caring, loving being nice attitude for real?




  1. Rachel isn't fake. She would have slipped up by now. Why can't people just back off and leave her alone..shes done nothing wrong!!

  2. She hasn't been the same the whole 13 weeks though, has she??? The middle of the road wall flower has gone and now we have the over the top wild child. I Think it is perfectly possible to be nice, and perhaps she is, but she is definately playing a game, but then, this is BB and it is a game they are all in to win. It has been a well recorded fact that to win BB you have to either be under the radar and nice to as many people as possible to avoid nomination, or have something wrong with you to get the sympathy vote. I just wish she would stop wrinkling her brow and saing GOSH all the time, it drives me crazy! x

  3. I don't think she's sleekit ( sly and untrustworthy) at all. She's a genuinely nice person - I know her - she's very caring and 'real', always

  4. She is fake just like everybody else in that fake house.

  5. It's real. Who could act 24 hours a day for 13 weeks?

  6. Rachel has always been a favourite of mine because she is a nice kind caring and genuine girl. Yes there is many people like that in the real world and I presume the people who cannot or will not believe how nice and caring she so obviously is,maybe have to look at their own attitudes towards others.

  7. Yes she real. I'd say the actors were Kat and The ginger tosser to an extent.

  8. Im not fooled by the Rice monster. I think she is genuinely stupid, but she knows what she's doing. Have you noticed how excitable and animated she in the last week?

    Funny that when the voting changes from evict to stay in, she changes her personality.

    Mikey to win!

  9. nope/.

  10. What on earth is sleekit? - as for Rachel being real - she most certainly is, to see a prime example of false just watch Sara....


  11. Rachel is not fake. I think shes a gorgeous person inside and out but maybe tries too hard sometimes.

  12. Oh dear oh dear.

    That crazed Diary Room interview about Disney characters? She sounded half crazed, and barely more than nine years old.

    And this is a supposed adult woman training to be a teacher??

    I do think Rachel is unhinged.

  13. Yes,her caring attitude is for real.Darnell's the one who really wants to win the most.All that self pitying is pathetic.

  14. I'm sorry but Rachel isnt a fake! how could someone act for 13 weeks 24/7? it is not an act, she is just nice! i like Rachel! and the Welsh are generally nice people, I should know, I'm Welsh!

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