
Does anyone think that Burger King needs to FIRE their ad agency?

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The commericals are getting worse. Now they don't even make sense at all. And the violence is stupid not funny. Let me know what you think




  1. Yes! they are stupid and the food and service are lousy!!


  2. Not only do the commercials have a ignorant theme to them, but it seem's to also have influenced the taste of their food. I haven't been to BK in quite awhile due to my diet, but always thought they had a great grilled taste,(many moons ago), but the last trip was probably my last time to BK. The food suks, it's very greasy, the buns are doughy, and the atmosphere has just gone to nothing. So fire the ad agency, reinvent the BK as it use to be when it outdone MickyD's, Hardee's, Carl's Jr. Sometimes change is not good, and why try to fix what wasn't broke. ?!!!. Guess that what's being a Pepsi Franchise can do to ya.

  3. yes, they're getting a bit too violent. last year they had women hire a hit man to kill the Burger king man, and now they have some guy rear-ending a few people just to get his steak sandwich. that's just too violent for me, and for those who have kids watching those commecials.

    i did like the ad where they tricked people into thinking they stopped making whoppers though, that was kind of funny.

  4. I think the man dressed up in the King Costume looks like he is tripping on acid and that is probably the case with the agencies employees when they were coming up with these horrible commercials.

  5. Their plastic King is just plain stupid. Violence on television is normal. But that King should be dropped like a bad habit.

  6. Yes it is so lame

  7. I think it is crazy the way these fast food restaurants advertise their product.  There was an add on TV of a Dairy Queen commerical that I didn't think was approprate at all, so I sent an e-mail to the company.  They removed the commerical.  Maybe you should send an e-mail to Burger King and tell them what you think.

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