
Does anyone think that Juno had an agenda?

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I saw only MAYBE the first 15 minutes. Then I demanded my money back. It was horrible. They wouldn't give it to me, they told me I could see another movie. I was so upset, I told them that I did not want my money to go towards that movie. The manager finally refunded my money and I told him to put my money on another movie.

Do you think that now we will have a bunch of teenagers going out and doing what Juno did? In the end, Juno opted for a closed adoption and skipped off into "lala" land and didn't have a care in the world.




  1. Its just a move. Its not like there using it to teach kids a lesson. The woman that made it, made it to be a comedy not something for people to take serious. What your saying is just like saying that rap music make kids do drugs and video games make people kill people.  Your kids grow up and act like there going to act no matter how you raise them or what they watch on TV.  I thank it was a great movie and funny. The whole point of adoption is that the person pregnant does not want the baby. There is no reason for that person to sit around and dwell on it, it want do them any good, or change the what they just did.

  2. So it would have been better if she had not walked out of the abortion clinic?   hmmm!!  Also I just don't understand the negativity about adoption now a days- granted it is never easy for the birth mom- however, raising a child you know you can't would not be the best, and aborting the child should not even be an option-

  3. I watched the whole thing, spent the entire time cringing at the fakeness and then howled like a baby for the last half hour of it.

    I watched it online, because I wanted to watch it on my own and didn't want to donate any more money to the not-so-worthy cause of that crappy movie.

    God, it was awful. That it won the Oscar for "best original screenplay" just depresses me, because it means that some people actually liked the movie and thought the script was good. Some of the actors were good, but the script was appalling.

    Teenage girl gets pregnant, says "oh well" and gives it to strangers, then carries life as normal???

    Who else felt sorry for the baby the whole way through? because NOT ONE character in the entire movie thought about that baby being a real person and what the baby needed.

  4. yeah that movie was pretty bad!!!! they make it seem like adoption is as easy as a choice of choosing what kind of bread to buy. i had a daughter at 17 and it was the hardest choice of my life but i kept her and shes still here with me now and its the best choice i have ever made, young kids are very impressionable and shouldn't think getting pregnant on accident will be an easy choice later!!! i agree with you

  5. I have no desire to see it.  Sarcastic Satires are roaming the internet . Picking up where the movie left off.  She breaks up with her boyfriend after realizing the full effect of what she has done.

  6. I fully agree with you, life is not fun and games....and giving the baby for adoption cleanses one from sin.....what delusion

  7. I dunno

    But If it is an anti-abortion agenda, where can I send 100$ to support the movie?

  8. I thought it was a good movie, touching and thoughtful.  I was disappointed that open adoption wasn't even talked about and I was also disappointed that Juno's boyfriend had such a background role.  They sort of explained it away by saying that Juno didn't want to "rat him out to his mom."  But the whole piece of the birthfather's rights, responsibilities and involvement was completely overlooked.

    Juno started out the movie with a denial/disbelief attitude, which moved on to a more cavalier attitude to cover up the multitude of emotions swirling around her.  By the end of the movie, she loses that nonchalance and ends up grieving for her loss, then moving on.

    In the end, "Juno" showed one avenue of adoption: teenage birthparent choosing a closed adoption to a family.  (I don't want to give away endings).

    I don't think it glorified teen pregnancy at all, but handled it in a matter-of-fact way.  Juno's dad and stepmom didn't condemn her to h**l (which was refreshing.  I'm so tired of the steriotypical wacked-out stepmom who throws bibles at her children).  But they also didn't applaud her for getting pregnant. Several times in the movie they expressed disappointment that their daughter got pregnant, which is only normal, but they also supported her.  It seems like that's a very reasonable expectation of the parents of teens who become pregnant.  

    I guess I don't see how you got so offended.  Is it because it was a "happy" adoption story, where the girl made a choice for herself and her baby?  Would you have been less offended if Juno had the abortion?  Is it because she was a pregnant teenager?  And after only seeing 15 minutes, how do you justify condemning the whole movie?    I imagine you must be basing your opinion of the rest of the movie by other people's thoughts, instead of seeing it for yourself.

  9. It was a very funny movie and you should have stayed.  How did you know the ending if you left after 15 minutes?

  10. I didn't see it.  When people told me about it, I knew it was something I would NOT want to see.  I'm sure it would p**s me off then send me spiraling into depression.

    One woman whom I told that I didn't want to see it because I'm adopted, told me "oh, but it's so cute".  I thought, "Adoption is NEVER cute!"  

    People who say things like "It's just a movie", just don't freaking get it.  I wonder if ms. TTC would think a comedy about miscarriages was "just a movie".

  11. What I was most disterbed by was the way the movie was advertised. When I saw the previews, I though it was about a boy and girl who got pregnant and would do what ever it took the make it work.  There was NOTHING that mentioned adoption.

    I first saw the mention of adoption in a review and was s little shocked. I say the movie on $5 day. I thought the ending was unrealistic

    I just thought it was a little underhanded, the old bait and switch.

  12. Juno wasn't bad, though I agree that it takes teen pregnancy a little too lightly. Besides that, though, I think it's an EXCELLENT movie. You should have stayed!

  13. People like that make me sick to my gut.

  14. The move Juno was just that, a movie.  It was written by a 22 year old woman.  It had no agenda.  Will a bunch of teenagers go out and get pregnant?  Not anymore than usual.  

    For her character, she didn't want to have an open adoption, but in the movie they all know who they all are so there was no secrecy.

    But again, just a movie.

    ETA Problem Child, yes as an (expired!) TTC I would think that a movie about miscarriage was just that, a movie.  Heck, while TTC any movie about a baby makes you made, but they are just that, a movie, one persons interpretation of an event.

  15. I don't think that would happen at all. Adoption is a serious issue, and if you had stayed for the entire movie, you would have seen some of those issues played out. However, the light hearted take on it was refreshing. All movies about adoption don't have to be gut wrenching and sad.

  16. I do.  I agree with most of WetFeet has written about the movie so far.

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