
Does anyone think that Portland, OR should annex all the cities in the metro area?

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The Portland, OR metropolitan area is large, and apparently without any flaws. Should the city of Portland annex all the suburbs into the city, so it can be one of the largest 25 cities in the US?

Then maybe we would care about how many coffee shops and record stores it has by comparison to San Antonio.

What do you think?




  1. No,it doesn't need to its big enough already.Great question though,I was in the worst part of portland yesterday I was on foot i didn't see garbage everywhere no tattoo bearing shaven head gangstas.No Dr portlands fine the way it is.


    Its quite obvious you're not dim and im sure you realize what i was referring to with " no tattoo bearing shaven head gangstas".

    Honestly portland and the surrounding suburbs all have pretty decent governments roads are repaired ,litter is cleaned up,trees are planted .

    Your city leaders have neglected the vast majority of your beloved town, Eastside, westside,southside all of which look more like a third world country than a major u.s. city

  2. Don't anyone listen to this Lando guy.  I can speak first hand re:  how Portland really is.  I lived for 3 years in Seattle and traveled to Portland quite a bit for business.  It is nothing but Seattle's uglier, dirtier, slower step sister wannabe.  In Portland, the max speed limit is 55 mph on the freeways (c'mon it aint 1985) and there are bums/graffiti everywhere.  As soon as you cross the bridge from WA into Oregon, you can totally see a difference.  Basically, Oregon is just a stepping stone to get from CA to WA.  Plus, there's nothing to do there but watch the Portland Trailbrazers get whooped up by the Spurs every year.  Trust me, SA, there is NO comparison whatsoever.

  3. I think Portland is just fine the way it is out there on the left coast.

    If we let them organize their own city as they see fit, maybe they will be kind enough to allow us to develop our cities as we like.

    EDIT:  Oddly enough, in a search of the Yellow Pages, Portland has 86 Tattoo shops, while San Antonio a larger city and comparable metropolitan area size has 74.  I guess all the tattoo parlors in Portland are going out of business.  Bad Planning, they should be down in San Antonio with all of the Gangstas.  However, I am glad Lando has found a home in Austin where there are only 60 tattoo shops (also for a smaller town) so he can avoid the bad elements.

    I also understand it is a city statute in Portland that you cannot shave your head, and that anyone going bald must wear a toupee or get a transplant.

    I guess Lando forgets to wear the special Portland edition Rose-colored glasses when he drives though San Antonio, but gets the Austin Edition.  Maybe we need a Rose-colored Eye-Mart Optical Shop in San Antonio.

  4. LOL...saw your answer to that guys question on S.A. annexation yesterday. Love your sense of humor. You were right, if he didn't like S.A., he can stay there. We fellow Texans don't need nay sayers in Texas.

  5. I have to say I get on every day to yahoo answers to see the next edition of the "Lando Wars"  Forget the Presidential debates, this is great.  Except this isn't really a debate.  We know our beautiful SA is great.  Is it perfect no,  but neither is any city.  

    Lando,  Do you mean to tell me in all of Portland there is not ONE single pothole or road under construction there?  I bet all the homes are 200k homes in gated communities too.  I have yet to figure out what our fine city ever did to you.  I get it you don't like it here.  So leave,  no one keeps you here.  In fact, I'm sure me and several others will even help you pack.   And h**l, I'll even throw in the first tank of gas for you!!!!!  

    San Antonio is a beautiful city I'm so sorry that you can't see past what must be a very large nose on your face to see how FABULOUS it is.

    But in all sincerity, I wish you best of luck.  P.S. When are you leaving cause we're going to have a very large Fiesta sized celebration and I'm bringing all  my tatoo/bald friends  with me!!!!!!!!!!!   YEE HAW!!!!

    GO SPURS GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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