
Does anyone think that an American recession is unavoidable?

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Does anyone think that an American recession is unavoidable?




  1. looks like we could be on the edge but things are looking better..housing sales, stock market,oil prices etc

  2. it is running an unsustainable economy so at some point it will receed.

  3. A recession does not mean the end of the world.  If the GDP is 13 trillion dollars and it drops to 12.999 trillion dollars, it won't even be noticed.

  4. At some point, Bernanke is going to have to tighten money by increasing the rate, which would likely have some recessionary pressure, as it would bring certain issues in certain sectors, like housing, to a head.

    But the correction is going to be necessary; it can be put off, but not forever. Something's gotta give.

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