
Does anyone think that being called a "kool aid drinker" is a racist statement?

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  1. I'm not sure, I think they must be implying that we have joined a cult, like the "Christian" fundamentalist, pseudo patriotic, gun toting ones I fear we have seen emerge recently.  In fact, it is worrisome how many Conservatives seem to be going into the ranks of the fundamentalist factions.  Sinclair Lewis said that when Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.  When people don't want to talk about the issues, they distract people by calling them names and making baseless accusations, many times they accuse people of doing the very thing that they themselves are doing.  Also, if they can't really believe in what their candidate stands for, or if they don't know for sure, it must seem odd to them to see others who do.  When we are excited at the prospect of no more bad Bush policies, they may not understand.  If you are doing OK and don't care what is happening to anyone else, I guess more Bush/McCain policies would seem fine.

  2. no i think it's a comparison to the cult leader "Rev jim jones" i don't think it's racist

  3. Not really. I loved kool-aid as a kid.


    No.  This is.

  5. NO.

    its a reference to cult followers of  Jim Jones.

  6. Naw.. It's a statement for people who can't think for themselves and use it because they saw somebody else use it.. Or a "kool aid" drinker..

  7. I was puzzled by this one too. I thought "how stupid to be called a kool aid drinker" as it pertains to who I vote for. I guess they are referring to Jim Jones. Does this mean I would die for what I believe in because, as misguided as those people following Jim Jones were, they died for a cause they believed in. Not much different with Republicans wanting to send out more troops to fight in a war that many do not believe in but they believe in it strongly enough to watch their sons and daughters go get slaughtered for it. So, who are the true kool aid drinkers? Personally, and for the record, i like a big tall glass of Country Time Lemonade in the summer. Kool Aid is too sweet.  

  8. No


    'nuff said

  10. no, i'm white and i like kool aid. if someone called me a kool aid drinker i wouldn't be offended. but why would you call someone that anyway?

  11. No.

  12. No, it has nothing to do with race.  It's about blindly following.

  13. HAHAHA! You're so RIGHT!

  14. I think it refers to that Jones guy who had a cult, which he poisoned all of his followers with Kool-Aid in dixie cups! I don't think its racist, only the republicans like to use it, with its racial undertones, to degrade Obama. Obama is nothing close to a cult leader. He has spent his entire life serving the people and the community. Only thing McCain has served is divorce papers to his crippled ex-wife!

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